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Pietro Cingolani

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: SDEA-01/A Demoethnoanthropological Sciences


Keywords: Migration Transationalism Mobility regimes Urban Anthropology Agri-food chains Post-socialist studies Romania Roma Right to housing Healt School Educational contexts Documentaries Photography

I study migratory phenomena from a global and comparative perspective, with attention to the processes of cultural change and hybridization and to the intergenerational dimension.

My research is based on a transnational and multi-sited approach, with attention to the material and symbolic interconnections between the various sites in which the migration process is articulated.

I'm interested in the analysis of mobility regimes, as power relations that are structured in specific local and national contexts, and the relationship between forms of governmentality and social inequalities.

I work in the field of urban anthropology, with a focus on the analysis of forms of urban governance, territorial segregation and intergroup relations in neighborhoods with high socio-cultural diversity.

In recent years, I have moved from the study of urban contexts to the study of forms of inclusion and segregation in suburban and rural areas, with attention to agri-food supply chains and migrant labor in agriculture.

I have a strong interest and expertise in the field of post-socialist studies, with twenty years of field research experience in Romania.

I have been involved in the study of Roma populations, with attention to stigmatization and territorial mobility and with a specific focus on the issues of the right to housing and health, in various Italian and European contexts.

I deal with the anthropology of school and educational contexts, with attention to non formal and informal learning settings. I am interested in co-education and collaboration between peers, and inclusive educational processes throughout life, with particular attention to migrant children and adolescents.

I'm interested in the use of documentary cinema and photography, both as research methods, as  tools for scientific dissemination, and as forms of community animation and public engagement.

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