Foto del docente

Pietro Cingolani

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: SDEA-01/A Demoethnoanthropological Sciences

Curriculum vitae

Pietro Cingolani is Junior assistant professor (fixed-term) at the Department of History and Cultures, University of Bologna, where he conducts research in the field of cultural anthropology. He is specialized in migration, transnationalism, urban ethnography, inter-ethnic relations, the mobility - social segregation nexus, with particular attention to Roma populations. Currently, he focuses on the educational processes of children and migrant adolescents, protracted displacement in Europe, and the study of migrants in agriculture.


He graduated in Communication Sciences in 2003 at the University of Turin and obtained a Ph.D. in Anthropological Sciences in 2008.

**Academic Career**

After earning his Ph.D., he held scholarships and was a research fellow at the University of Turin. In March 2015, he achieved National Scientific Qualification as an Associate Professor in Demo-ethno-anthropological Sciences.

**Teaching Activity**

Since 2008, he has continuously conducted teaching activities, holding various courses for Bachelor's and Master's Degree programs in various Italian universities (University of Eastern Piedmont, University of Trento, and University of Turin).

Currently, he is a professor of Cultural Anthropology for the Bachelor in Anthropology, Religions, Oriental Civilizations at the University of Bologna. He organizes and coordinates seminars on his disciplines.

**Scientific Activity**

He has participated in numerous national and international research programs, including:

- 2021: KIDS4ALLL. Key Inclusive Development Strategies for Lifelong Learning, Horizon 2020 Programme, coordinated by the CPS Department, University of Turin, scientific director: Prof. Roberta Ricucci.
- 2019: Transnational Figurations of Displacement, Horizon 2020 Programme, coordinated by BICC - Bonn International Center for Conversion, scientific director: Benjamin Etzold (
- 2017: Measuring Migration Costs for the Low-skilled - Italian Survey, coordinated by KNOMAD – World Bank, scientific director: Manolo Abella (
- 2016: Moldovans in Prague (Czechia) and Turin (Italy) – migratory and integration patterns, financial and social remittances under scrutiny, coordinated by Univerzity Karlovy v Praze, Prague, scientific director: Prof. Dusan Dhbohlav.
- 2015: MEDMIG. Unraveling the Mediterranean Migration Crisis, coordinated by ESRC, scientific director: Prof. Heaven Crawley ([link](
- 2014: Health as a fundamental right. Migrant experiences in Turin, coordinated by LDF – The Fundamental Rights Laboratory, scientific director: Vladimiro Zagrebelsky.
- 2011: Concordia Discors – Understanding Conflict and Integration Outcomes of Inter-Group Relations and Integration Policies in selected Neighborhoods of Five European Cities, European Integration Fund, coordinated by FIERI, scientific director: Ferruccio Pastore.
- 2006: Transnational Communities in a Globalized World, coordinated by Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies, University of Neuchâtel, scientific director: Prof. Gianni D'amato.

He serves as a referee for international and Italian journals in the field of Anthropological Sciences.

**Awards and Recognitions**

- 2009: Award for scientific contribution to cooperation between Italy and Romania, Embassy of Romania in Italy, Rome.
- 2006: Luciana Sassatelli Award for the best Italian degree thesis on the topic of migration.
- 2003: OPTIME Award for the best graduates of the University of Turin in the academic year 2002-2003.

**Other Activities**

- Since 2004, he has collaborated with FIERI – International and European Forum on Immigration Research (
- Since 2005, he has coordinated the international documentary film festival Crocevia di Sguardi (
- Since 2016, he has collaborated with the Carbonia Film Festival (

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