Mantellini, Simone; Picotti, Vincenzo; Al‐Hussainy, Abbas; Marchetti, Nicolò; Zaina, Federico, Development of water management strategies in southern Mesopotamia during the fourth and third millennium B.C.E, «GEOARCHAEOLOGY», 2024, 39, pp. 1 - 32 [Scientific article]Open Access
Marchetti, N.; Bortolini, E.; Menghi Sartorio, J. C.; Orrù, V.; Zaina, F., Long-Term Urban and Population Trends in the Southern Mesopotamian Floodplains, «JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH», 2024, Early view, pp. 1 - 42 [Scientific article]Open Access
Casini L.; Marchetti N.; Montanucci A.; Orru V.; Roccetti M., A human–AI collaboration workflow for archaeological sites detection, «SCIENTIFIC REPORTS», 2023, 13, Article number: 8699 , pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]Open Access
Nicolò Marchetti, Da Sumer a Ninive: scavi, restauri e prospezioni della Missione Archeologica
Iracheno-Italiana, in: Tesori dell'Iraq. Le Missioni Archeologiche Italiane nella Terra tra i due Fiumi, Roma, Treccani, 2023, pp. 110 - 117 [Chapter or essay]
Marchetti, Nicolò; Baldassarri, Pietro; Bertossa, Silvano; Orrù, Valentina; Valeri, Marco; Zaina, Federico, FloodPlains. Developing a Public Archaeological WebGIS for the Southern Mesopotamian Alluvium, in: Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Volume 1, 2023, pp. 921 - 939 (atti di: 12th ICAANE: International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Bologna, 06-09 Aprile 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Nicolò Marchetti, Çiğdem Maner, Federico Zaina, Licia Proserpio, Burcu Sarsılmaz Coşan, Hayder Kareem Al-Hamdani, Mohammed Abdulsada Al-Hashimi, Laith Majeed Hussein, Adelheid Otto, How Can International Partnerships Support the Study of Archaeology in Iraq? The Case Study of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building KA 2 Project “WALADU”, in: ICAANE 12. Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Vol. 1: Environmental Archaeology. Hammering the Material World. Cognitive Archaeology. Modeling the Past. Networked Archaeology. Endangered Cultural Heritage, 2023, pp. 989 - 1002 (atti di: ICAANE, Bologna, April 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Nicolò Marchetti, Idols for the household: two bronze figurines from Late Bronze I Taşlı Geçit Höyük, in: I.L. Finkel, J.A. Fraser and St J. Simpson, ‘To Aleppo gone …’: Essays in honour of Jonathan N. Tubb, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2023, pp. 133 - 137 (ARCHAEOPRESS ANCIENT NEAR EASTERN ARCHAEOLOGY) [Chapter or essay]
Marchetti, Nicolò; Cavaliere, Francesca; Cirelli, Enrico; D’Orazio, Claudia; Giacosa, Gabriele; Guidetti, Mattia; Mariani, Eleonora, Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Volume 2: Islamic Archaeology; Field reports., Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2023, pp. 953 . [Editorship]
Marchetti, Nicolò; Campeggi, Michael; Cavaliere, Francesca; D'Orazio, Claudia; Giacosa, Gabriele; Mariani, Eleonora, Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 06-09 April 2021, Bologna. Vol. 1: Environmental Archaeology. Hammering the Material World. Cognitive Archaeology. Modeling the Past. Networked Archaeology. Endangered Cultural Heritage, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2023, pp. 1044 . [Editorship]Open Access
N. MARCHETTI, R. M. MOHAMMED, C. PUTZOLU, J. E. READE, M. VALERI, The Ottoman Bridge of Mosul: survey and history of an endangered heritage, Bologna, Ante Quem S.r.l. and Department of History and Cultures - University of Bologna, 2023, pp. 88 . [Research monograph]Open Access
Nicolò Marchetti, Karkamış, in: PREHİSTORİK DÖNEMLERDEN GEÇ ANTİK DÖNEME GAZİANTEP ARKEOLOJİSİ, Istanbul, R.T. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism and R.T. Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, 2022, pp. 95 - 112 [Chapter or essay]
Nicolò Marchetti, Karkamış’ın Geç Tunç II ve Demir Çağlarındaki
Kentsel Yapısı Bağlamında Kamusal ve Özel
Alan / La struttura urbana di Karkemish nelle età del
Bronzo Tardo II e del Ferro tra aree pubbliche
e spazi privati, in: Lo spazio pubblico, lo spazio privato: XI Convegno Contributo italiano a scavi, ricerche e studi nelle missioni archeologiche in Turchia / Kamusal alan, özel alan: XI Türkiye’deki arkeolojik çalışmalara eğitim, araştırma ve kazı’da İtalya katkısı sempozyumu, Istanbul, Istitituto Italiano di Cultura di Istanbul, 2022, pp. 95 - 105 [Chapter or essay]
Nicolò Marchetti, Karkemish, in: Archaeology of Gaziantep from Prehistoric Times to the Late Antiquity, Istanbul, R.T. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism and R.T. Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, 2022, pp. 95 - 112 [Chapter or essay]
Nicolò Marchetti; Gianni Marchesi, Ninive: La ripresa delle esplorazioni archeologiche nel centro dell'impero / Nineveh: The Resumption of Archaeological Exploration in the Centre of the Empire, in: Dal centro dell'impero. Nuove scoperte archeologiche dell’Università di Udine nell’antica Assiria / From the Core of the Empire. New Archaeological Discoveries of the University of Udine in Ancient Assyria, Udine, Comune di Udine, 2022, pp. 170 - 189 [Chapter or essay]
Nicolò Marchetti, Tilmen Höyük, in: Prehistorik Dönemlerden Geç Antik Döneme Gaziantep Arkeolojisi, Istanbul, R.T. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism and R.T. Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, 2022, pp. 183 - 195 [Chapter or essay]
Nicolò Marchetti, Tilmen Höyük, in: Archaeology of Gaziantep from Prehistoric Times to the Late Antiquity, Istanbul, R.T. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism and R.T. Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, 2022, pp. 183 - 195 [Chapter or essay]