Foto del docente

Nicolò Marchetti

Full Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: STAA-01/E Archaeology and Art History of Ancient Western Asia and of the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean

Curriculum vitae


Master «La Sapienza» University of Rome, 2000 (Archaeology of the ancient Near East)

Ph. D. «La Sapienza» University of Rome, 1997 (Oriental archaeology)

A.M. «La Sapienza» University of Rome, 1993 (Archaeology of the ancient Near East)



Full Professor, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, 2017

Associate Professor, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, 2010-2017

Aggregate Professor, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, 2001-2010

Lecturer, Tuscia University – Viterbo, 1999-2001

Director of the Postgraduate School in Archaeology and Heritage, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, 2012-2019

President of the Institute for Higher Studies, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, 2015

President of the Research Committee of the Department of History and Cultures, 2018-2021

President of the open access publishing house 1088Press (, 2017-2024



Archaeology of the ancient Near East

Cognitive archaeology of the ancient Near East


Director of the joint Turco-Italian Archaeological Expedition of the Universities of Bologna, Istanbul and Gaziantep to Karkemish (Turkey), 2011-

Director of the joint Iraqi-Italian Archaeological Expedition of the University of Bologna and the Iraqi State Board of Antiquities and Heritage to Dur-Kurigalzu (Iraq), 2024-

Director of the joint Iraqi-Italian Archaeological Expedition of the University of Bologna and the Iraqi State Board of Antiquities and Heritage to Nineveh (Iraq), 2019-2023

Director of the joint Iraqi-Italian Archaeological Expedition of the University of Bologna and the Iraqi State Board of Antiquities and Heritage for the surface survey of the Abu Ghraib district, 2022-2024

Director of the joint Iraqi-Italian Archaeological Expedition of the University of Bologna and the Iraqi State Board of Antiquities and Heritage for the surface survey of the eastern Qadisiyah region (QADIS), 2016-2018

Director of the joint Turco-Italian Archaeological Expedition of the University of Bologna, the University of Istanbul and the Museum of Gaziantep to Tilmen Höyük (Turkey), 2003-2008 and to Tasli Geçit Höyük (Turkey), 2009-2010

Co-director, together with L. Nigro and H. Taha, of the joint expedition of  «La Sapienza» University of Rome and the Palestinian Department of Antiquities to Tell es-Sultan, ancient Jericho, 1997-2000

Participation to the archaeological expedition of «La Sapienza» University of Rome to Tell Mardikh, ancient Ebla (director Paolo Matthiae), with the scientific responsibility of Area P South, 1990-1997



Coordinator of the European project BANUU (Erasmus+ CBHE in in partnership with the universities of Turin, Koç Istanbul and, in Iraq, Baghdad, Qadisiyah, Mosul, Kufa and the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research), 2020-2023.

Coordinator of the European projects WALADU (Erasmus+ CBHE in partnership with the universities of  LMU Munich, Koç Istanbul and, in Iraq, Baghdad, Qadisiyah and Kufa) and EDUU (EuropeAid in partnership with the universities of Turin, Baghdad, Qadisiyah and Kufa), 2017-2019.

Beneficiary of the research project EBLA CHORA of the ERC IDEAS programme, Advanced Grant of the European Research Council (2010-2014).

Scientific unit responsible for the research on the impact of dams in the MENA region within the EU JPI-CH Heritage Plus project "HeAT", 2015-2018.

Scientific unit responsible for the project “Karkemish excavations”, Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research, PRIN 2017.

Scientific unit responsible for the project “Karkemish excavations”, Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research, PRIN 2015.

Scientific unit responsible for the project “Tilmen Höyük excavations”, Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research, PRIN 2009.

Scientific unit responsible for the project “Tilmen Höyük excavations”, Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research, PRIN 2007.

Scientific unit responsible for the project “Tilmen Höyük excavations”, Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research, PRIN 2005.

European coordinator of the EU project “ARCHAIA” for the conservation and management of archaeological sites, 2007-2008.

Scientific unit responsible for the project “Archaeological parks in the Mediterranean area”, Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research, FIRB 2003.

Scientific coordinator for the project “Mesopotamian royal statuary”, Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research, FIRB 2001.

Marco Polo Research grantee to Harvard University, 2002-2003.



Since 1991 regularly attends to the Rencontres Assyriologiques Internationales and since 1998 to the International Congresses on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, delivering papers and posters. Since 2003 also regularly attends to the annual Congresses of the Directorate General for Cultural Heritage and Museums of Ankara.

Chair of the Organizing Committee of the 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (, 6-9 April 2021.

Has co-organized the 6th International Congresses on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East in May 2008 at the Sapienza University of Rome (

Co-founder of the journal Orient-Express and member of the redaction until 1995. Member of the redaction of the journals Contributi e materiali di archeologia orientale and Studia Eblaitica (Rome). Editor of the open access series "OrientLab," "OrientLab Series Maior," "MAIOP" and "GRPOP" (Bologna). Past director of the journal "OCNUS. Quaderni della Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici."

Has participated to the SCIEM Research Project on the absolute chronology of the Middle and Late Bronze Ages (Syrian research unit, directed by Prof. P. Matthiae), coordinated by Prof. Manfred Bietak under the sponsorship of the Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien.

Member of the Scientific Committee of the exhibition «Ebla. Alle origini della civiltà urbana», held in Rome and Trieste from march 1995 to january 1996; of the Organizing committee of the exhibition «Dai palazzi assiri», held in Rome in may 1995; and of the Organizing committee of the exhibition «Scoprire. Scavi del Dipartimento di Archeologia », held in Bologna in 2004.

Coorganizer and president of the scientific committee of the exhibition "Kinku. Sigilli dell'età del Bronzo dalla regione di Gaziantep in Turchia" (Bologna, Museo Civico Medievale, 29th April-25th September 2011).

Past member of the Board of the “International Association for Assyriology” (Leuven; elected by the general assembly in july 2007 for the term 2008-2011).

Scientific editor of the research website and associated projects.



Held numerous lectures and seminars in various research and university centers, among which Carsten Niebuhr Instituttet, École du Louvre, La Sorbonne, Freiburg University (Switzerland), Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University,  Sapienza University of Rome, the Pontifical Biblical Institute, “L'Orientale” University of Naples, University of Venice, University of Florence, University of Leipzig, University of Munich, University of Wurzburg, BANEA London and the British Academy.


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