Foto del docente

Matilde Miniati

PhD Student

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: M-STO/04 Contemporary History

Curriculum vitae

Current position

2023 | PhD student in Global Histories, Cultures and Politics (XXXIX cycle), at the Department of History Cultures Civilisations, University of Bologna. Research project in Contemporary History provisionally entitled Humanitarianism and international solidarity: informal networks and political mobilisation for Western Sahara in Italy and Spain (1975-1991).


2022 | Master's Degree in Historical Sciences (University of Florence). Thesis in contemporary history School adaptation and mobilisation during the Fascist twenty-year period: the Dante high school in Florence. Supervisor: Prof. Valeria Galimi. Co-supervisor: Prof. Monica Galfrè.

Research activity

2023 | Researcher within the project Sesto Fiorentino. Quarant’anni di gemellaggio con il popolo Saharawi promoted by the Municipality of Sesto Fiorentino and the Ban Slout Larbi Association.

2020-2022 | Researcher within the academic project Il fascismo e gli ebrei in provincia. The case of Sesto Fiorentino (1938-1944), promoted by the University of Florence (Department SAGAS), coordinated and supervised by Prof. Valeria Galimi, in collaboration with the Municipality of Sesto Fiorentino and the Consorzio di Bonifica 3 Medio Valdarno.

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