Foto del docente

Maria Elena De Luna

Associate Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: STAN-01/A Greek History


Keywords: Aristotelian political theory - History of Greek cities - Local historiography of Arcadia and Boeotia - Relationships between traditional tales and historical events - Hypomnemata - Linguistic communication between the Greeks and "the others"

1) Relationships between Greeks and Non-Greeks in historical-literary texts: opposition versus integration. Factual dynamics and cultural representations.

2) Traditional stories, cults, community practices of Greek cities analyzed through the Fragments of the Greek Historians.

3) Principles of political theory and use of history in Aristotle.

4) Causal relationships between the conflicts and the constitutional changes in the Greek cities.

5) Fragments of Hypomnemata: historical and erudite elements, historiographical aspects.