Education and Specialized Training
1995. 4 years degree "Laurea" in Lettere, indirizzo classico at the University of Siena 110/110 cum laude, with the dissertation in Greek Literature La Samia di Menandro. Studio filologico e letterario.
2002. Doctoral Degree in Greek history, Genoa University, with the dissertation The linguistic communication between the Greek and the Barbarians. Judgment of excellence.
2004-2005. Research scholarship at Department of Classics, Neuchâtel (Chaire d’archéologie classique et histoire ancienne)
2005. 4 years degree "Laurea" in Storia antica, at the University of Siena 110/110 cum laude, with the dissertation Le sub-colonie siracusane.
2011. Fellowship at the Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, München
2014. PhD in Classics at Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ University, with the dissertation The fragments of Arkadika and the Periegesis of Pausania. Judgment: Excellent with praise.
Professional Experiences
2000- (from). Titular professor of Italian, Latin, Greek Literature in secondary schools.
2003-2004. Research Assistant at the Department of Classics of the Siena University.
10.2013-08.2016 Maître de Conférences Associé at the Collège de France (Paris).
01. 2014. "Qualifications nationales aux fonctions de Maître de Conférences", for: Ancient Languages and Literatures; and for History and Civilization of the ancient Worlds.
09.2016-08.2018. Research at Collège de France (scientific collaboration with the Pr. D. Knoepfler).
08.2018. "Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, Settore Concorsuale 10/D1 - II Fascia" (Associate professor)
11.2018. "Ricercatore di Storia greca (L-ANT/02)" at the Department of Ancient History of the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna.
20 settembre 2023 - Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, Settore Concorsuale 10/D1 - I Fascia (Full Professor).
2001-2004. Latin, Greek Literature at Liceo classico (Titular professor)
2002-2003. University of Siena, lectures for the course unit of Greek History – Master Level: "Interpreti e bilingui nei tragici greci"
2005-2007. University of Siena, lectures (Master): "Greci e barbari nelle fondazioni coloniali"
2007-2008. University of Macerata: Lecturer for the course of General greek history.
2009-2010. University of Siena, lectures (Master): "La funzione dei paradigmi storici in Aristotele".
2012-2013. Latin, Greek Literature at "Liceo classico" (Titular professor)
2018-2019. Lecturer for the course of Greek Institutions (12 credits) (LM) at the School of Arts and Humanities - University of Bologna.
2018-2019. Lecturer for the course of Ancient Historiography (6 credits) at the School of Arts and Humanities - University of Bologna.
2018-2019. Collaboration in the translation workshop of Greek documentary and historical texts for Master level students at the School of Arts and Humanities - University of Bologna.
From 2019-2020. Professor for the course unit of Archaic and Classical Greek History (Master Level) at the School of Arts and Humanities - University of Bologna.
From 2020-2021. Professor for the course Greek Historiography (Master Level) at the School of Arts and Humanities - University of Bologna and for Greek History (Degree Philosophy)
From 2020-2021. Member of "Comité pédagogique Master double diplôme franco-italien" (Paris University-Bologne)
From 2022-2023. Member of the ‘History Common Good’ group focusing on the macro-theme ‘States, Empires, Nations’ (cyclical teaching activity)
Research Activities in Research Teams and responsibilities in International Projects, and
2000-2002. Member of Research Groups (in the Siena University) financed by the Italian Ministry of Scientific Research: Modalità della formazione e della trasmissione delle tradizioni storiche e storiografiche, in riferimento ad Erodoto e alla genesi delle politeiai di epoca classica.
2007-2009. Member of Research Groups (in the Siena University) financed by the Italian Ministry of Scientific Research: La ‘colonizzazione’ euboico-calcidese: Sicilia, Magna Grecia e Calcidica (The Euboean-Chalkidian Colonization: Sicily, Magna Graecia and Chalkidike).
From 2008. Member of Project I Frammenti degli Storici greci" (editors-in-chief E. Lanzillotta and V. Costa): Fragments of Boiôtika.
From 2018. Member of International Project Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker (Continued), Part IV (editor-in-chief Stefan Schorn): Fragments of Hypomnemata (section F p. IV: Collections Anthologies and Hypomnemata and related genres, directed by Tiziano Dorandi).
From 2018. Member of International Project Brill’s New Jacoby (general editor: I. Worthington): Fragments of Arkadika.
From 2021. Member of ATheNe - Aristotelian Thematic Network (International Agreement between Departments and Research Centers aimed at the Study of Ethics, Rhetoric, Politics, History and their Fortune in Antiquity)
From 2022 Member of International Project (IRP) "PATHOS. Passions, actions et réactions dans le monde antique", directed by Cristina Viano (Centre Léon Robin Paris).
2022 Principal Investigator of a competitive project related to the 'Alma Idea' Programme. Title of the project: "Forging Identities". Political, cultural, religious strategies and lexicon of transformations in the Greco-Roman Mediterranean (III-I BC).
Professional Affiliations and external services
Member of the Association des Études grecques, Paris.
Member of IPS
Member of GaHIA Association
Member of Centre d’Études en Antiquité, Mathématique, Philosophie, «Formes du savoir dans le monde ancien» ( )
Member of the Scientific Committee of Research Center APToday - Ancient Philosophy Today, Bologna University.
Member of the Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica.
Member of International Research Group: Structures and forms of organized social life in Antiquity (academic organisational seat: Jagiellonian University in Kraków)
Director Antiquitas - Editore Jouvence
Member of the Editorial Board of Rationes Rerum
Member of the Scientific Committee of Collection “Studi e Testi di Storia Antica”, ETS Pisa.
Member of the Scientific Committee of Collection "Hellenika. Studi di Storia greca", LED Milano
Referee for Erga-Logoi (Journal), Hesperìa, RSA, Historika, Seminari romani, Rationes Rerum, Kokalos, Il Pensiero Politico, Incidenza dell'Antico, Ktèma, Archimède. Archéologie et Histoire Ancienne, Pallas
Stays abroad as Visiting Professor and Visiting Scholar
28 May - 2 June 2018: Visiting Scholar at the Fondation Hardt, Vandoeuvres - Genève
9 May - 10 June 2022: Professeur invitée at the Centre Léon Robin (UMR 8061, CNRS, Sorbonne-Université)
2 May-1 June 2024: Research activities at L'Institut des Civilisations - Collège de France, Paris
11 November - 10 December 2024: Professeur invité UFR Histoire, Faculté des lettres Sorbonne Université (Arrêté 3 mai 2024)
Conferences and Lectures (selection)
25.03.2003 Siena University. “Seminari del martedi”. Title of Lecture: L’alterità linguistica in Omero.
22-24.05.2003 Genova University. International Symposium: “Il cittadino, lo straniero, il barbaro”. Title of Conference: Xenoi e barbaroi nelle tragedie di Eschilo.
05.05.2005 Collège de France, Paris. “Journée d’étude”. Title of Conference: Camarina: l’histoire tourmentée d’une sous-colonie.
17.02.2006 Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ University. International Workshop: “Tradizione e trasmissione degli storici greci frammentari”. Title of Conference: Il mito di Callisto: storia e tradizione locale.
09.05.2006 Siena University. “Seminari del martedi”. Title of Lecture: I miti presso gli autori di Arkadika.
22-24.06.2006 Lecce University. International Symposium: “Colonie di Colonie”. Title of Conference: Camarina sub-colonia di Siracusa, dalla fondazione al conflitto.
12.06.2008 Salerno University. International Symposium: “La Politica di Aristotele e la storiografia locale”. Title of Conference: Le metabolai nei regimi oligarchici: argomentazione e dati storici nell’exemplum di Eritre.
01.10.2009 Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ University. International Symposium “Iscrizioni Greche e Comunicazione Letteraria”. Title of Conference: Epigrammata ed elaborazione letteraria: Schol. in Hom., Il. Δ 319.
30.09.2010 Salerno University. International Symposium: “Istituzioni e costituzioni in Aristotele”. Title of Conference: Tra istituzioni e costituzioni: elementi di squilibrio e strumenti di salvezza nei libri storici della Politica.
2011 (April) Kommission für alte Geschichte (Monaco di Baviera). Title of Lecture: Die Arkadien von Pausanias im Anhang von Felix Jacoby.
06.07.2012 Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ University. Workshop: “Le tradizioni del Peloponneso tra epica e storiografia”. Title of Conference: Il mito di Enea fra l’Arcadia e Roma.
26.11.2015 Nantes University, International Symposium: "Les historiens fragmentaires de langue grecque à l'époque impériale et tardive". Conference: Fragments de Béotie à l'époque impériale et byzantine: processus de transmission des textes et analyse des contenus.
24.04.2016 Paris IV–Sorbonne University. “Séminaires du Centre Léon Robin”. Lecture: Les causes du changement des constitutions chez Aristote.
30.05.2016 Ghislieri College, Pavia. International Symposium: “Da Stagira alla Macedonia”. Lecture: Le metabolai costizionali di Oreos/Estiea.
15.06.2016 Salerno University. International Symposium: “Ancora su Aristotele e la storia”. Lecture: I cambiamenti costituzionali in Epidamno.
04.12.2016 Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (Paris). Title of Conference: Une nouvelle édition de la Politique d’Aristote.
30.11.2017 Neuchâtel University. Lecture: Énée en Arcadie. Réflexions sur une liaison culturelle entre l’Hellade et Rome.
18.12.2017 Salerno University. Lecture: Greci e non-Greci fra conflitto etnico e integrazione.
23.01.2018 “Piemonte Orientale” University. Lecture: Il luogo ottimo e i luoghi reali: le staseis dia topous (Arist., Pol. V 3, 1303b 7-12).
10.05.2019 Sapienza - University of Rome, Lecture: Il mito di Enea da una prospettiva arcade.
15.05.2019 University Ca' Foscari, Venezia - "Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici". Corso di Dottorato in Scienze dell'antichità: La stasis e il suo spazio secondo Aristotele: esempi di dialettiche conflittuali, fra la città e il suo territorio.
03.11.2019 University Paris IV Sorbonne. Lecture:La "fragmentation" de l'espace et la diversité des origines comme causes de conflit selon Aristote.
06.11.2019 Centre Léon Robin (Paris-Sorbonne and CNRS). Conference: Le bon anêr politikos d'Aristote et les passions préjudiciables à la communauté. Vertus individuelles et remèdes factuel (Workshop: CAUSES, PASSIONS, ACTIONS (III): L'individu et la communauté - PRC Fapesp / CNRS. PATHOS. La doctrine aristotélicienne des émotions), dir. Cristina Viano.
19.11.2019 University of Naples Federico II. Conference: L’Arcadia precedente a Polibio: frammenti di un percorso identitario, in the context of "Seminari napoletani di Storia greca: Polibio e l’Arcadia. Realtà, identità, stereotipi".
7. 02. 2020 University of Bologna. Workshop for secondary school teachers: Dialoghi fra Greci e non-Greci: rappresentazioni letterarie e contestualizzazioni storiche di interazioni linguistiche e culturali.
22.04.2021 University of Bologna "Incontri di Storia Antica": Malattie, medici e cure nel mondo antico - Seminars of the Doctoral School. Lecture: Medici, pazienti, guaritori in Grecia antica fra storia e racconti tradizionali: casi significativi.
21.05.2021 University of Bologna "Incontri di Storia Antica": Organisation and Presentation of meeting: Un secolo di studi sulla Repubblica romana - In occasione della pubblicazione di due volumi nella collana Antiquitas.
2-5.09.2021. XII International Congress of International Plutarch Society: Plutarch and His Contemporaries: Sharing the Roman Empire. Talk: “Aspects of Cultural Memory in the Imperial Age: Erudition and Use of the Local History in the Quaestiones Graecae"
Internazional Conference - Università degli Studi "Gabriele D'Annunzio" di Chieti-Pescara:
La presenza del teatro greco. Strutture, Politica, Società, Eredità. Talk:
"La paura, l’indignazione (e non solo): emozioni tragiche ed espressioni stilistiche. Esempi da Eschilo e Sofocle".
12-05-2022 Centre Léon Robin - Paris Sorbonne. Journée internationale d'étude: Passions politiques. Intervention: "Emotions politiques: expressions lexicales et formes narratives".
26-05-2022 Universidad de Sevilla - I Seminario Formativo GAHIA 2022: Passioni politiche ed emozioni tragiche: riflessioni su Tucidide, Sofocle, Aristotele.
22-09-2022 Trieste University: Doctoral Week: Le idee sulla giustizia secondo Aristotele
30-09-2022 Bologna University."Storia bene comune": Sulla storia delle città greche: guerre, tradizioni culturali ed emozioni politiche.
26-27 ottobre 2022: Journée d’études du Laboratoire Histoire et sources des mondes antiques (HiSoMA,
Université de Lyon): Crépuscules du pouvoir. Abdication et destitutions de l’Antiquité au XIXe siècle. Speech: Formes de destitution en Grèce : le retrait du pouvoir à Lysandre et l'éviction de Démétrios de Phalère
01-02-2022 Bologna University: Doctoral Meeting "Classici e non solo". Speech: "Rileggendo Il pensiero storico classico di Santo Mazzarino"
06.02.2023: AICC Roma: La storia dietro le storie. Speech: Elaborazione e traformazione di mythoi locali. Anfiarao e altri eroi del Peloponneso
23.03.2023: International Workshop Sytetesis, Alma Mater Bologna. Speech: Dinamiche emozionali nell'Anabasi di Senofonte.
24-25/05/2023 Talk: Figure del mito nella Focide. Intervento al Congreso Internacional: El tratamiento político del mito, Universida de Sevilla
11-14.07.2023 Celtic Conference in Classics, Coimbra: Éléments historiques et configuration d'un genre littéraire particulier: à propos de quelques fragments de Hypomnemata historika, panel Fragments in Erudition, Erudition in Fragments.
25-26.09.2023 Ktistes. Mythological and Historical Founders of Ancient Cities and Colonies, Jagellonian University in Kraków
06-05-2024 Association des Études Grecques (Paris). Communication in the Monday session: «Autour de quelques Fragments d’Hypomnemata : éléments érudits et aspects historiographiques »
17-18.05.2023 Cinquième rencontre internationale du programme TeMAES. Territoires multiples : discours politiques, discours identitaires. (titre intervention : Dynamiques géopolitiques et discours identitaires dans le Péloponnèse aux époques classique et hellénistique)
09-12.07.2024 15th Celtic Conference in Classics, Cardiff University, Panel: “Pausanias from different perspectives”. Title of Speech: “Pausanias historian and mythographer: narrative strategies, local traditions, and questions of identity in Arcadia and Boeotia”
01-08.08.2024 XXV World Congress Philosophy Rome: "Philosophy across Boundaries". Speaker in the Round Table "The Representations of Philosophy in Ancient Greece". Title of presentation: "The formation of the Aristotelian and Plutarchean politician, between theory and practice".
25-27 october 2024, Congresso Internazionale Ancient Cities 7, Frascati, Accademia Vivarium Novum. Villa Falconieri. Titolo dell’intervento: Il sacro e l’agonale in Arcadia: espressioni identitarie e connettività fra le città.
14-16 November 2024, IV Worshop Internazionale GAHIA, Sevilla: Los Ecos De Geríon. Historias Y Geografías De La Helenidad Y El Helenismo. Intervento: Agoni, culti e racconti tradizionali in Arcadia: integrando fonti storico-letterarie ed epigrafiche.
17-19 February 2024, International Conference Ancient Cities 8, Jagiellonian University in Kraków: Religio et Cultus in Cities of Greek and Roman World. Titolo dell’intervento: Cultes arcadiens : identités civiques et échos interrégionaux.
20-21 March 2025, Doctoral Conference, Verona University: Nessun uomo è un’isola.
Rappresentare le relazioni dalla Preistoria al Contemporaneo. Introductory lecture to the Panel of
Ancient History: “Le relazioni nella città di Aristotele”.
Organization of Conferences and Workshop
21.05.2021. Bologna University - Un secolo di studi sulla Repubblica romana - In occasione della pubblicazione di due volumi nella collana 'Antiquitas'
Bologna University - International Conference: Le emozioni nelle poleis. Dinamiche storiche, interpretazioni storiografiche, esperienze religiose e culturali in Grecia 'propria' e nell’Oriente greco.
10.12.2021. Bologna University - Centre Jean Pépin, CNRS Paris: Momenti di storiografia erudita tra Ellenismo ed età imperiale. Workshop organised by Maria Elena De Luna and Tiziano Dorandi.
1-3.12.2022 Bologna University: Virtue and Vice in Political Systems in Ancient Greece and the Near East. International Conference organised by M.E. De Luna, A.C. Pananino, M. Zaccarini.
3-24.03.2023 Bologna University. International Workshop: Syzetesis. Percorsi di storiografia e geografia in età classica ed ellenistico-imperiale, organised by di M.E. De Luna (Bologna) and G. Parmeggiani (Trieste).
4-25/05/2023 Figure del mito nella Focide. Intervento al Congreso Internacional: El tratamiento político del mito, Universida de Sevilla
24-25/05/2023 Congreso Internacional: El tratamiento político del mito entre realidad histórico-geográfica y literatura, Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla – Università di Bologna – La Sapienza Università di Roma, organised by di M.E. De Luna (Bologna), S. Acerbo (Sevilla), M. Sonnino (La Sapienza Università di Roma)
0.11.2023 Université Paris Cité - Centre ANHIMA – Université de Bologne : Séminaires de formation dans le cadre du Master double diplôme franco-italien « Histoire et civilisations comparées », thought up and directed by M.E. de Luna and F. Gherchanoc: “Les émotions dans l’histoire. Quelles émotions sur les champs de bataille?”
12-13.12.2023, Bologna University Internazional Conference: "Forging Identities. L’Identità nel contesto: permanenze e trasformazioni nel mondo greco e romano (organised by Maria Elena De Luna and Stefano Tropea)
18.10.2024 Workshop: Research Seminars, Alma Mater Bologna University - Université Paris Cité: "Sul corpo nel mondo greco e nel mondo romano-giudaico: ideologie, funzioni ed
elementi di discussione" (organised by M.E. De Luna and F. Gherchanoc)
From 2020-21. Member "Comité pédagogique du Master double diplôme franco-italien" (Université de Paris-Bologne)
Tutor of a doctoral thesis on betrayal in the ancient world, within the framework of the PhD in Historical and Archaeological Sciences University of Bologna, in co-tutorship with Université Paris Cité.
Tutor of a doctoral thesis on Pracepta gerandae reipublicae di Plutarco, nell'ambito del dottorato di ricerca in “RICERCHE E STUDI SULL’ANTICHITA’, IL MEDIOEVO E L’UMANESIMO, SALERNO (RAMUS)”
2021. External evaluator Thesis of the PhD course in "RESEARCH AND STUDIES ON ANTIQUITY, THE MIDDLE AGES AND HUMANISM, SALERNO (RAMUS)" - CURRICULUM IN Philological and historical sciences of Antiquity and the Middle Ages
aprile 2021. Member of the Commission for the final examinations for PhD students in Ancient Sciences 33rd cycle Ca 'Foscari University of Venice.
2022. Member of the Commission for final examination PhD F. Aguayo Hidalgo - Universidad de Seville - Doctorado en Estudio Filológicos.
July 2022 Member of the Commission for final examination PhD M. Rago - Salerno University- Université de Strasbourg.
July 2022 Member of the Commission for final examination PhD R. Marques Liparotti - Salerno University - Universidade de Coimbra
february 2024 Member of the Commission for final examination PhD History, Pavia University
april 2024: Member of the Evaluation Commission of the research and teaching activities carried out by Dr Manuela Mongardi TD Researcher at the Department of History Cultures and Civilisations (SSD L/ANT-03).
From 2018. Responsible for the Erasmus exchange with LMU - Munich (DE)
From 2020. Responsible for the Erasmus exchange with Uniwersytet Jagielloński- Krakow
From 2021. Coordinator of Section for the Third Mission (Theme: "The city: Crafts, Social Practices, Cultural Experiences")