Current Position
2024 - PhD candidate in Global History, Cultures, and Politics (40th cycle) at the Department of History and Cultures, University of Bologna. Research project in American History and Institutions entitled: Cybernetics and Politics. The Market as Global Order in Hayek’s Political Thought. Supervisor: Prof.ssa Raffaella Baritono; Co-supervisor: Prof.ssa Isabella Consolati (Polytechnic University of Turin).
2024 - Member of the International PhD College at the Collegio Superiore (3rd cycle).
2024 - Master's Degree in History at the University of Bologna. Thesis in History and Political Theory titled The Human Capital Order: Individual, Family, and State in Gary S. Becker's Political Thought. Supervisor: Prof.ssa Paola Rudan; Co-supervisor: Prof. Antonio del Vecchio.
2022 - Master of Science (MSc) in Political Theory (Political Science) at the University of Amsterdam. Thesis title: Democracy in Times of Climate Emergency: Evidence and Conflict in Decision-Making. Supervisor: Enzo Rossi; 2nd Reader: Marcel Maussen.
2020 - Bachelor's Degree in International Science, Development, and Cooperation at the University of Turin. Thesis in Political Philosophy titled The "Populist Moment" as a Crisis of Neoliberal Hegemony. Supervisor: Prof.ssa Valentina Pazé.
2019 - Visiting student (Erasmus+ scolarship) at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Maastricht University. Program: European Studies.
L. Rebolino, Becker oltre Foucault: Gerarchie e mercato nell'ordine del capitale umano, in Michel Foucault e il neoliberalismo. Una discussione su “Nascita della biopolitica” a vent’anni dalla sua pubblicazione, Naples, Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici Press (forthcoming) [book chapter]
Conferences, Workshops and Seminars Participation
2025 - Training fellow in the seminar series (february-march): La pace impossibile e la giustizia dimenticata (I) at the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici (Naples): seminars on History, Political Philosophy, and Legal History, featuring a keynote lecture by Nancy Fraser. Grant recipient.
2024 - Young Scholars Workshop “Individual and Collective Issues in the History and Philosophy of Economics” organized by the Young Scholar Initiative in anticipation of the 7th International Conference “Economic Philosophy” - Market(s) and Democracy, held at the Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne. Travel and accomodation grant awarded.
Member, YSI - Young Scholar Initiative (part of INET - Institute for New Economic Thinking).