Laura Pasquini
Born in Rome on 8/09/1964
1988 - July 6 - Graduated at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, University of Bologna, with a dissertation in Christian Archaeology entitled Stucchi tardoantichi e altomedievali nell’area altoadriatica. Mark: 110/110 cum laude.
1990 - Scholarship for Study, Refinement and Research at the Scuola Diretta a Fini Speciali per Archivisti di Ravenna (Directed School for Special Purposes for Archivists) awarded in May 1990, obtaining first place in the “Auxiliary Sciences of History” classification.
1994 - Degree of Doctor of Research in Late Antique and Medieval Archaeology, on June 24, 1994, Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological Research – Rome.
1994 – Specialization Diploma in Archaeology at the University of Bologna, on July 8, 1994, with points 70 out of 70 and cum laude.
1998-2000 - Two-year Post-Doctoral Fellowship in “Humanities-Sciences of Antiquity” (Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna) with a project entitled: La decorazione a stucco in Italia fra tardo antico e alto Medioevo.
2001 Tenured position as Graduate Technician - cat. D 3.
2010 - Assignment of responsibility ex art. 91 co. 1 CCNL 16. 10. 2008 - from 01/01/2010 to 31/01/2024: Specialized function in support of teaching and research - Expert in research with iconographic character (Department of History Cultures Civilizations - University of Bologna).
2017 - National Scientific Qualification (2016 - I Quadrennium) in the competition areas 10/B1-Art History and 10/A1-Archeology (i.e. Medieval Art History - L-Art/01 and Medieval Archaeology - L-Ant/08).
01/02/2024 - 31/01/2027 - Senior researcher at the Department of History Cultures and Civilizations, University of Bologna.
a.a. 1996/1997 - Assignment as Collaborator in supporting the activity of the teaching of “Historical Framework of Emilia Romagna from the 5th to the 12th century” at the Degree Course in Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Ravenna, University of Bologna. Assignment renewed for the following academic year 1997/1998.
a.a. 2002/2003 - Lecturer collaborator for the teaching of History of Christianity within the framework of the 1st level Master's degree program established by the Faculty of Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna in Conservation and Management of Collections in Archives and Library and Computer Processing of Documentary Flows - Seminars on Christian and Medieval Iconography.
aa. 2008-2025 - Lecturer at the International Summer School of Dante Studies (Ravenna/Verona) - organized by the Catholic University in Milan, the Dante Center of the Friars Minor Conventual of Ravenna and the University of Verona: lectures and visits to Dante's places in the city of Ravenna and lectures on specific topics related to the relationship between Dante and Art.
a.a. 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018 - technical/scientific head of teaching support for the Laboratory of Methodologies of Iconographic Sources at Department of History Cultures and Civilizations, University of Bologna.
a.a. 2018/2022 - Temporary Lecturer for the Laboratory of Methodologies of Iconographic Sources at Department of History Cultures and Civilizations, University of Bologna (40 hours - 6 Cfu).
a.a. 2022/2023 - Temporary Professor of Medieval Art History - L-ART/01 - Department of History Cultures and Civilizations, University of Bologna (40 hours - 6 Cfu).
a.a. 2023/2024, 2024/2025 - Senior assistant professor (fixed-term) of Medieval Art History - L-ART/01 - Department of History Cultures and Civilizations, University of Bologna (30 hours - 6 Cfu).
a.a. 2023/2024, 2024/2025 - Senior assistant professor (fixed-term) of Museum Methodology - L-ART/01 - Department of History Cultures and Civilizations, University of Bologna (30 hours - 6 Cfu).
From 1994 to 2025 Laura Pasquini participated in more than a hundred national and international Conferences both in Italy and abroad (Washington, DC; Basel; Barcelona; Szeged) and gave numerous thematic lectures and conferences in Italian and foreign Univercities and Institutions (University of Ghent; Italian Cultural Institute, Berlin; Société Dantesque de France; Italian Cultural Institute in Stuttgart; V.N. Karazin National University in Kharkiv; Italian Cultural Institute in Kiev).
Participation in PRIN (Projects of Significant National Interest) 2010 for iconographic research - Duration: 3 years (report closed in January 2016) - Title of Research Project: History and Global Archaeology of Rural Landscapes in Italy between Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Integrated Systems of Sources, Methods and Technologies for Sustainable Development - Scientific Coordinator: Giuliano Volpe - Scientific Officer: Paola Galetti.
Participation in the final outcomes of the Project: PRIN (Projects of Significant National Interest) 2008 - Duration: 3 years - Title of the Research Project: Interculturality, Historical Roots and Models of Care in Hospice Institutions: An Interdisciplinary Path in Comparative Perspective - Scientific Responsible: Anna Laura Trombetti.
Scientific Responsible of the University of Bologna for the International Project “Dante and Art”, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona; coordinator Rossend Arqués. For the Project see:
Participation in PRIN (Projects of Significant National Interest) 2022 - Next Generation EU- ON - Objects in Network. The social life of objects in the 15th century between notarial sources and semantic web - National coordinator: Tommaso Duranti. Partnership: CNR - ISPC Naples and University of Genoa - Bologna Unit: Tommaso Duranti (P.I., head of the research unit), Pietro Delcorno, Laura Pasquini, Francesca Pucci Donati, Elisa Tosi Brandi, Giulia Cò, Edward Loss, Filippo Ribani).
Responsible of Iconographic Research for the EXHIBITION - Bologna città delle Torri attraverso la storia, l’arte e la tecnica, Bologna May 20-June 20, 2009, Urban Center-Sala Borsa, Piazza Nettuno - appointment by the Department of Paleography and Medieval Studies - Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna and the Municipality of Bologna.
Head of Iconographic Research and Curator of the DIGITAL MUSEUM dedicated to Federico II – Stupor Mundi, set up in the city of Jesi at Palazzo Ghislieri, Piazza Federico II, 3, and opened to the public on July 1th, 2017. Appointment since June 20th, 2016 by GSCS S.r.l. Federico II – Stupor Mundi Foundation-Jesi. See website:
Head of Iconographic Research and Curator of the EXHIBITION (in collaboration with Prof. Giuseppe Ledda): La bellezza ch'io vidi... (Pd. XXX, 19) - La Divina Commedia e i mosaici di Ravenna, Ravenna, Complesso di Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, September 23, 2018-January 6, 2019. Appointment by the Archdiocese of Ravenna and Cervia in collaboration with “Dante in Rete”. On March 8th, 2019, the exhibition reopened and is to date a permanent exhibition.
Head of Iconographic Research and Curator of EXHIBITION: Ercole e il suo mito - La Venaria Reale (Torino), Hall of Arts, September 13, 2018 - March 10, 2019. Exhibition organized by: Swiss Lab for Culture Projects and Consorzio Residenze Reali Sabaude, in collaboration with AntikenMuseum in Basel, MuseumsLandSchaft in Hesse-Kassel and Museo Archeologico Nazionale in Naples. Curatorial-Scientific Committee: Friedrich-Wilhelm von Hase (Chair), Gabriele Barucca, Claudio Strinati, Laura Pasquini, Gerhard Schmidt, Rüdiger Splitter, Paola Venturelli. Director of the film section: Angelo Bozzolini.
Head of Iconographic Research and Curator of the EXHIBITION: Dante e la Romagna. Viaggio nei luoghi della Divina Commedia, curated by Laura Pasquini, Giuseppe Sassatelli and Enrico Cirelli - Ravenna - MUSEO TAMO - April 16, 2021 - January 9, 2022.
Cultural Consultant as Medieval iconography and Dante Alighieri expert - iconographic research and texts (Italian and English) for EXHIBITION: Divine Dante 700 anniversary - Shanghai, Cross Cultural Festival 2021, 23/03 - 30/05 2021.
Curator of the Exhibition: Il Dante di Wolfango - Bologna - Santa Maria della Vita, nonember 28th, 2021 to february 13th, 2022 on behalf of GENUS BONONIAE. Exhibition curated by Laura Pasquini and Alighiera Peretti Poggi.
Curator and Scientific Responsible for the EXHIBITION/INSTALLATION: Oggetti nudi, oggetti vestiti. Scalzi nel chiostro, Bologna, September 26-27, 2022, Cloister of San Giovanni in Monte - Department of History Cultures and Civilizations, University of Bologna - Course in History of Religions: objects and heritages. Exhibition curated by Laura Pasquini and Francesca Sbardella in collaboration with Patrizia Cirino.
Curator of the Exhibition (with Sebastiana Nobili and Alighiera Peretti Poggi): Wolfango's Dante at the Classense, April 17-November 18 2022, Classense Library, Ravenna, Via Baccarini, 3, Corridoio Grande.
Curator and Scientific Director of EXHIBITION: Bologna sarà transitoria, ma io mi sento a casa, November 24, 2023-January 14, 2024, European Museum of Students - MEUS, Via Zamboni 33, Bologna. Exhibition project within the teaching of “History of Religions: Objects and Heritage” of the Master's Degree Course in Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology at the University of Bologna, under the direction of Professors Francesca Sbardella, historian of religions and anthropologist, Laura Pasquini, art historian and museologist, and Maria Teresa Guerrini, modern historian and scientific coordinator of the European Museum of Students - MEUS. Web page:
Curator and Exhibition Manager of EXHIBITION: Abitare il silenzio, photographic exhibition by Franco Zecchin, Bologna, Chiostro di San Giovanni in Monte, October 10-November 10, 2024, curated by Laura Pasquini, Francesca Sbardella, Franco Zecchin. Appointment by the Department of History Cultures Civilizations - Third Mission funds.
2021 - Participation as expert of Dante's visual imaginary in the recording of the episode of “Visioni”, a cultural in-depth program of Rai5, dedicated to Dante, broadcasted from March 25th, 2021 on Rai 5, RAI - Radiotelevisione italiana S.p.A - Rai Cultura.
2022 - Participation as expert on Dante's visual imagery in SKY ARTE's Film/Documentary - Dante-Fuga dagli Inferi - Directed by Sebastiano Facco (with special focus on the suggestions derived from the poet's possible presence in Torcello and possible visit to the Scrovegni while Giotto was painting the Last Judgment). The telecast on Sky Arte from April 16th, 2022, entitled Dante-Fuga dagli Inferi, traces the 20 years of exile, the “flight” from Florence, the death sentence, and the continuous wanderings of Dante. Narrator Toni Servillo. Completing the narrative are reflections by the experts Nicola Lagioia, Alberto Casadei, Laura Pasquini, Sebastiana Nobili, Alma Poloni, Giuseppe Indizio, Francesco Santi and Count Sperello of Serego Alighieri. Documentation at: .
2022 - Participation as Medieval Art Historian and expert on Dante's visual imagery in the documentary: Le vie di Dante - L'Italia artistica nell'età della Commedia - docufilm commissioned by the ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI under the high patronage of the President of the Republic, written by Roberto Antonelli (President of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei) and Lorenzo Mainini, directed by Maria Teresa de Vito and curated by Renato Parascandolo. Topics commissioned to Laura Pasquini: Bologna, Ravenna and Romagna. The documentary can still be viewed at:
2022 - Consultant, as Medieval art historian and expert on Dante's visual imagery, for the settings, clothing and mosaics of Ravenna, in the film “Dante” - directed by Pupi Avati.
2024 - Participation, as art historian and expert on the iconography of the devil, in the radio program “Uomini & Profeti” on RAI Radio 3 on october 12th, 2024 hosted by Felice Cimatti. For the podcast see:
2024 - Participation, as art historian, expert on the iconography of the devil, in the radio program “Radio3 Suite” of RAI Radio 3 on november 14th, 2024 conducted by Nicola Campogrande. For the podcast see:
2025 - Participation, as art historian and expert on the iconography of the devil, in the TV program “Quante Storie” on RAI 3, hosted by Giorgio Zanchini and broadcasted on January 8th, 2025. See:
CO-FOUNDER MEMBER and AUDITOR OF THE ACCOUNTS of the ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA PER LO STUDIO E LA CONSERVAZIONE DEL MOSAICO (AISCOM), established in Rome on October 11th, 1990. As the corresponding international body (AIEMA), the Association aim at propagating or supporting initiatives to promote the study and conservation of mosaics, organizing congresses and colloquia.
MEMBER OF THE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE FOR THE VII CENTENARY OF THE DEATH OF DANTE ALIGHIERI - Municipality of Ravenna - Appointed on September 21th, 2018 for the implementation of the program of initiatives and events of Dante’s centenary celebrations.
MEMBER (from september 12th, 2022) OF THE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE of the “ARTE E FEDE” ASSOCIATION OF THE ARCIDIOCESE OF BOLOGNA, established in 2019 for the promotion, enhancement and enjoyment of sacred art in all its dimensions. The Association, based in Bologna and Brussels, assumes European regulations and standards to disseminate professional figures and models of approach to sacred art.
MEMBER of the SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE (since 2021) and LECTURER (since 2008) of the INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL OF DANTE STUDIES (Ravenna/Verona) - organized by the Catholic University (Milan), the Dante Center of the Friars Minor Conventual of Ravenna and the University of Verona.
MEMBER of the SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE of the Bullettino dell’Istituto storico italiano per il medio evo. See:
MEMBER of the SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE of “TENZONE”, annual journal of the Asociación Complutense de Dantología, Tenzone, Complutense Madrid-UCM Association, sponsored by Grupo Tenzone and the Department of Italian of the Université de Fribourg. See the website:
DIRECTION AND SCIENTIFIC RESPONSIBILITY (together with Prof. Francesca Sbardella and Prof. Giuseppina Paola Viscardi) of the Study Center “EIDOLA - Materiality, Cognition and History of Religions,” established in 2023 on the initiative of some professors of the Department of History Cultures Civilizations (University of Bologna) aiming at doing research on material objects of the magical-religious sphere. Fields: Anthropology, Archaeological Disciplines from Prehistory to the Medieval Age, Art History, History of Institutions and Political Thought, History of Religions and Religious Thought. The Center's website: .
Laura Pasquini has dealt in various publications with the topics of Christian Art and Archaeology, partly collected in her first volume Decorazione a stucco in Italia fra Tardo Antico e Alto Medioevo (Longo 2002). She then turned more decidedly toward Medieval iconography topics, studied from an iconological perspective, with particular regard to the mosaic image, that is, the medieval floor of the 11th and 12th centuries (Bobbio, Cremona, Aosta, Venice, Pavia and Otranto in particular) understood as a vehicle of symbolic motifs. Several of his contributions are published in the Proceedings of the Colloquia of the Associazione italiana per lo studio e la conservazione del mosaico (AISCOM). His most recent work and research deal with Dante's iconography, the figurative representation of the city of Bologna, the iconography of the Afterlife, of the devil and of the hell.
In 2008 she published the monograph Iconografie dantesche, Ravenna, Longo; in 2009 the volume Otranto, il mosaico, il viaggio di Seth (coauthors M. Fasano and G. Barba, with a preface by F. Cardini), Bologna, Sattva Films; in 2013 the book Bologna delle Torri. Uomini, pietre e artisti dal medioevo a Giorgio Morandi (coauthor Anna Laura Trombetti); in 2015 the volume Diavoli e Inferni nel Medioevo, Padua, Il Poligrafo. With Carocci Publishing House he published his latest volumes, «Pigliare occhi per aver la mente». Dante, la Commedia e le arti figurative (2020) and Il diavolo. Storia iconografica del male (2024).