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Giacomo Vignodelli

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: HIST-01/A Medieval History

Curriculum vitae

I’m a tenured researcher at the University of Bologna since 2024, my research focuses on early medieval history, with a specific interest in the kingdom of Italy during the 9th to 11th centuries, on which I worked in a wide-ranging investigation perspective, exploring its political, social, and cultural history.

I’m currently working on a monographic study on kings' Hugh's and Lothar II's (circa 880-950) rule on the kingdoms of Italy, Provence, and Burgundy as a case study on the political structures of post-Carolingian Europe. Alongside this work, I’m conducting extensive research on satirical-prophetic forms of political criticism from the 9th to the 11th century, through the study of cultural practices of copying, commenting, and creatively reworking the pagan and Christian auctoritates. In my research, I have confronted the analysis of manuscript sources (both codices and documents) based on their tradition and materiality, collaborating with philologists and diplomatists, as well as scholars of Digital Humanities, applied physics, and Textual Science with trans-disciplinary research perspectives.


Graduated in History in 2004 from the University of Bologna, in 2010 I’ve obtained a PhD in Medieval History from the same university.

Academic Career

In 2013-2014 I worked as Claudio Leonardi Fellow at the International Society for the Study of Medieval Latin Culture - SISMEL in Florence, winning the first edition of the international competitive call.

From 2015 to 2020, I carried out my research activities at the Department of History, Cultures, and Civilizations of the University of Bologna, first with four research grants co-financed by SISMEL, then thanks to an Alma Idea research grant (2017), of which I was proposer and Principal Investigator, coordinating the work of two other post-doctoral research fellows (two more research grants).

In 2018, I obtained the National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor in Medieval History.

In 2021, I won a Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellowship, with the Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes - IRHT of the CNRS in Paris, as Host Institution with the project The Post-Carolingian Laboratory of European Kingdoms: Provence, Italy and Burgundy under King Hugh of Arles (880-947).

From 2021 to 2024, I worked as a researcher at the Department of Historical Studies at the University of Milan, where I organized and coordinated, together with Marta Calleri and Marta Mangini, the Department’s first international Summer School, entitled: INTRADAMS – Integrating Traditional and Digital Approaches in Manuscripts Studies.

Since 2024, I’ve been a tenure-track researcher at the Department of History, Cultures, and Civilizations at the University of Bologna, under the Excellence Project Call Memory, Written Cultures, and Tradition in Medieval Europe.

Teaching Activities

Since 2012, I have taught workshops for the Master's Degree in Historical Sciences, provided teaching support, and supervised bachelor's and master's theses at the University of Bologna.

From 2021 to 2024, I taught History of Medieval Italy for the History Degree Course at the University of Milan. I currently teach Early Medieval Political Institutions for the Master’s Degree in Historical and Oriental Studies and History of Medieval Europe for the Master’s Degree in Italian Studies, European Literary Cultures, and Linguistic Sciences at the University of Bologna.

From 2022 to 2024 I have been course- and thesis-supervisor in Medieval History and History of Christianity, for the Online Degree Course in Italian Language and Culture for Foreigners of the ICoN Consortium - Italian Culture on the Net, which unites fourteen Italian public universities.

From 2016 to 2020, I organized and coordinated the annual cycles of Medieval History Research Seminars at the Department of History, Cultures, and Civilizations at the University of Bologna.

From 2021 to 2024, I organized and coordinated, togather with Maddalena Moglia and Fabrizio Pagnoni, the annual cycles of Medieval History Seminars: Methods and Research, at the Department of Historical Studies at the University of Milan.

Since 2016, I have given lectures for Ph.D. courses at Italian and European universities, and since 2022, have served as an external reviewer for PhD theses.

Since 2023, I have been the coordinator and lecturer of the international Summer School INTRADAMS – Integrating Traditional and Digital Approaches in Manuscripts Studies, organized with the collaboration of the University of Rochester and the Rochester Institute of Technology (N.Y.), the Biblioteca Trivulziana e Archivio Storico Civico of Milan, the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana and the Fondazione Museo del Tesoro del Duomo e Archivio Capitolare of Vercelli, the Biblioteca e Archivio del Capitolo Metropolitano of Milan.

Scientific Activities

I’ve participated in numerous national and international research programs, including: Liberté d'expression. La critique politique des élites religieuses (VIIIe-XIIIe s.) Islam, Orient et Occident chrétiens at the Université Jean-Moulin Lyon3; Fiscal Estates in Medieval Italy: Continuity and Change (9th – 12th centuries), PRIN 2017 Project, as a member of the University of Bologna Research Unit; Recycled Medieval Diplomatic Fragments (REDDIS), PRIN 2022 PNRR Project, as a member of the University of Milan Research Unit; Gendering the Tenth Century: a tailored model for exploring the sources, PRIN 2022 project, as the head of the University of Milan Research Unit.

In 2019 and 2020, I won two Marco Polo mobility grants, as:

Invited researcher at the Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes – IRHT, CNRS, in Paris from May to July 2019.

Visiting scholar at the St. Andrews Institute for Medieval Studies – SAIMS at the University of St Andrews, from March to May 2020, visiting suspended due to the COVID-2019 emergency.

Referee for the following journals: Studi Medievali. Rivista della Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull’alto medioevo di Spoleto, Reti Medievali Rivista, Studi di Storia Medioevale e Diplomatica, Rivista Storica Italiana, Storicamente, Filologia Mediolatina. Studies in Medieval Latin Texts and Transmission, Scrineum, and for Reti Medievali E-Book.

Institutional Activities and Academic Positions

From 2021 to 2024, I’ve been a member of the Admission Committee for the Master’s Degree in Historical Sciences at the University of Milan.

Since 2024, I have been a member of the evaluation panel of the Technical-Scientific Committee of the University, responsible for evaluating the technical-scientific reports of the PRIN 2022 and PRIN 2022 PNRR projects for the Department of History, Cultures, and Civilizations.

Membership in Scientific and Editorial Committees

Since 2021, I have been a member of the Scientific Committee and the editorial board of the journal "Studi di Storia Medioevale e Diplomatica."

Since 2014, I have been a collaborator of the Central Editorial board of Medievo Latino. Bibliographic Bulletin of European Culture from Boethius to Erasmus (6th-15th centuries).

Other Activities

From 2021 to 2024, I was a member of the working group on gender and inclusivity issues of the Italian Society of Medieval Historians – SISMED.

Since 2016, I have been a member of the Vercelli Historical Society.

Since 2015, I have been a member of the Italian Society of Medieval Historians – SISMED and the Assembly of SAAME, the Inter-University Center for the History and Archaeology of the Early Middle Ages.

I have carried out scientific popularization activities (Terza missione) since 2013, giving public lectures in recent years within the Milano Digital Week, in seminar cycles at the Casa della Cultura in Milan, and at the festival Il Medioevo di UniMI.