Foto del docente

Francesco Andreetto

PhD Student

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: FIS/05 Astronomy and Astrophysics


Keywords: Young Stars Exoplanets Protoplanetary Disks Astronomy Low Noise Amplifiers Space Instrumentation Cosmic Microwave Background Cosmology


Study of the properties of young planets in Class I disks through VLT observations. Analysis of the accretion characteristics of material from protoplanetary disks onto young stars using CRIRES+ data.


Characterization and testing of cryogenic amplifiers (LNAs) and passive microwave components for the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array Band 2. The tests take place at the Cryowaves laboratory of the INAF-OAS in Bologna and at the ALMA laboratory of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Garching bei Munchen.

Supervisor: Prof. Leonardo Testi (DIFA Unibo). Co-supervisor: Veronica Roccatagliata (DIFA Unibo).

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