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My PhD project focuses on studying the properties of young planets in Class I disks through VLT observations. Currently, I am working with CRIRES+ data to analyze the accretion characteristics of material from protoplanetary disks onto young stars.
My scientific activity also includes instrumental aspects of the ALMA-ECOGAL project. In particular, I am involved in testing active and passive components of the Band 2 cartridges, in collaboration with the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Garching bei München and the Cryowaves Laboratory at INAF-OAS in Bologna.
In 2024, I won a research fellow position at the University of Bologna for the characterization of the Band 2 cartridges for ALMA.
In 2023, I won a position as a scientific collaborator with INFN to participate in the functional verification campaign of the Large Scale Polarization Explorer - Strip (aimed at studying the Cosmic Microwave Background).
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