Foto del docente

Claudio Mazzotti

Full Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: CEAR-07/A Structural Analysis and Design


Keywords: self-compacting concrete precast systems composites materials dynamic identification fiber reinforced concrete creep of concrete experimental tests on masonry seismic vulnerability structural monitoring geopolimer concrete BIM

The main research topics considered by Claudio Mazzotti can be summarized as follow:

1.                       Safety and reliability of materials and structures

1.1    Methods and approaches of linear viscoelasticity

1.2    Damage mechanics of concrete

1.3    Coupling between creep and damage due to long term deformation of RC structures

1.4    Experimental analysis, by means of interferometric technique (ESPI), on concrete specimens under compression

1.5    Evaluation of mechanical properties of existing masonry by using drilled cores

2.                       Structural rehabilitation with innovative techniques (FRP)

2.1         RC structural elements strengthened with CFRP plates: instantaneous and long term cracking and deformability

2.2         FRP-concrete interface laws

2.3         Experimental analysis of FRP-concrete debonding problem

2.4         Analysis of parameters affecting bond between FRP and concrete

2.5         Strengthening of RC beams by using FRP

2.6         Instantaneous behavior of FRP pultruded bars

2.7         Strenghening of masonry walls by using FRP: the definition of bond

2.8         Analysis of bond between masonry and FRCM

2.9         Shear capacity of masonry panels strengthened by FRCM

2.10       Out-of-plane behaviour of masonry walls strenghened by FRCM

3.                       Mechanical and structural behavior of innovative concretes

3.1         Long term behavior of self-compacting concretes (SCC)

3.2         Long term behavior of structural elements made of self-compacting concrete

3.3         Structural behavior of fibre reinforced concrete (FRC)

3.4         Mechanical properties and long term behavior of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC)

3.5         Mechanical properties and long term behavior of geopolimer concrete

4.                       Mechanical and structural characterization of precast RC systems

4.1         Ultimate strength and service behavior of precast beams

4.2         Ultimate strength of beam-column joints cast on-site

4.3         Bearing capacity of precast column-foundation anchoring system

5.                       Structural identification of constructions by means of dynamic tests

5.1         Structural identification techniques and applications

5.2         Monitoring of dynamic properties of structures

6.                       Seismic vulnerability of constructions

6.1         Non-linear seismic analysis of base-isolated RC framed structures

6.2         Design criteria of base isolation of historical buildings

7         Simplified methodologies for the evaluation of seismic vulnerability of constructions

NDT per il rilievo dei dettagli costruttivi di elementi in c.a. e c.a.p.

8         NDT for the evaluation of the reinforcement in RC and prestressed elements