Claudio Mazzotti is full professor of Structural Engineering since 2018
1. Scientific and research activity
Membership in international and national scientific
2016-2022 he is Head of Interdepartmental Center of applied Research Building and Construction.
From 2008 he is member of RILEM International Union of
Laboratories and experts in construction materials, systems and
From 2002 he is member of CTE – Italian Association of Building
Membership in national and international scientific
From 2012 he is member of fib Task Group TG 9.3 “FRP
Reinforcement for concrete structures”.
From 2012 he is member of RILEM Committee TC-CSM "Composites for
sustainable Strengthening of Masonry".
From 2012 he is member of Research Center “Osservatorio Claudio
Ceccoli” on faults and defects of constructions, hosted by DICAM of
University of Bologna.
From 2011 he is member of CNR working group for the extension of
Technical Document “instruction for the designing, execution and
control of concrete industrial floors”.
From 2010 he is member of Research Center for Industrial
Research (CIRI-EC) Edilizia e Costruzioni of the University of
Bologna (,
funded by POR_FESR 2007-13 European grant. Within the Center he
organizes the experimental activities and the technological
innovation actions in the framework of structural engineering
(budget for that area is € 4.800.000).
From 2010 he is member of RILEM Committee TC 223 MSC "Masonry
Strengthening with Composite materials".
From 2010 he is member of the Center for International
Development Cooperation concerning Engineering, Environmental and
Natural resources issues, CUBE3, hosted by DICAM of University of
From 2009 he is member of RILEM Committee TC 234 DUC “Design
Procedures for the Use of Composites in Strengthening of Reinforced
Concrete Structures".
From 2009 he is member of Scientific Committee of Forum della
Tecnica within MADEexpo.
From 2008 he is member of RILEM Committee TC 228 MPS “Mechanical
properties of Self Compacting Concrete”.
From 2007 he is member of Task Group on Heritage Structures
dell'IIFC (International Institute of FRP in Construction).
From 2007 he is member of the Research Committee on precast
composite lattice beams hosted by ASSOPREM Association.
From 2006 he is member of the Research Center on the
Identification of Materials and Structures (CIMEST) “Michele
Capurso”, hosted by DICAM University of Bologna.
Membership in Conference's Scientific and Organizing
In 2012 he is member of the National Organizing Committee of the
6th IABMAS – International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety
and Management, Stresa, July 8-12, 2012
In 2011 he is member of the Technical Scientific Committee of
the International Conference 9th Symposium on High Performance
Concrete – Design, Verification & Utilization, Rotorua, New
Zeland, August 9-11, 2011.
In 2009 he is member of the Organizing Committee of XIII
National Conference ANIDIS – Seismic Engineering in Italy, Bologna,
June 28 – July 2nd, 2009.
Reviewer of Research Projects and Journal papers
From 2012 he is Associate Editor of the Journal ISRN Civil
Engineering, published by Hindawi.
From 2012 he is Associate Editor of the Journal Journal of
Engineering published by Hindawi.
In 2012 he is scientific reviewer for the evaluation of
industrial research projects submitted to the Committee for
incentives to businesses of the Autonomous Province of Trento,
following law December 13 1999, n. 6.
In 2010 he is an external reviewer for a research project
submitted to the City University of Hong Kong, in preparation of
submission to the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong.
From 2006 he makes regular reviews for a number of international
journals, among which the following are mentioned (in alphabetical
order): ACI Materials Journal, Advances in Structural Engineering,
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Construction and Building
Materials, Engineering Structures, International Polymer
Processing, ISRN Civil Engineering, Journal of Bridge Engineering,
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Journal of Composites for
Constructions, Journal of Composites Materials, Journal of
Engineering, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Materials
and Structures, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Steel and
Composites Structures – an International Journal.
Bibliometric parameters
Number of products: 270………Number of citations: 2142
H index = 30.
Total number of journal papers: 70
Further research activities and awards
In 2012 he takes out a patent, as co-author, number
BO2012C001043 named “RESISTO: a method for the evaluation of
seismic vulnerability of a building”; authors: Perri Gianluca e
Mazzotti Claudio.
In 2012 papers submitted to ANVUR for the 5-years Research
Evaluation (VQR) are all classified as A level.
In 2011 the paper "An experimental study on delamination of FRP
plates bonded to concrete", Construction and Building Materials, V.
22(7), July 2008, pp. 1409-1421 by Mazzotti, C.; Savoia, M.;
Ferracuti, B. is classified in the fifth position of the "Top 25
hottest articles" ranking, the 25 most downloaded paper of the year
for that journal. In the period July-September 2011 it is the most
downloaded (# 1).
From 2010 he is member of the Board of the PhD Program of Civil,
Environmental and Materials Engineering of the University of
From 2009 to 2011 he is secretary of the Board of DICAM' Labs,
University of Bologna.
In 2009 he is member of the examination board for the final
defense of XXII series of PhD Program of Structural and Material
Engineering – Structures section, University of Naples Federico
In 2009 he is member of the board of the entrance exam to the
XXV series of PhD Program of Structural and Water Engineering of
the PhD School of Engineering and Architecture, University of
From 2006 to 2011 he organizes the experimental activities
developed at the Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Lab
(LISG), University of Bologna.
From 2007 he is member of Research Committee of DISTART and
DICAM Departments, University of Bologna.
Tutoring of PhD students and research assistants
From 2012 he is advisor of a PhD student belonging to the PhD
program of Civil, Environmental and Materials Engineering and
working on the development of innovative systems by using composite
materials (FRP).
From 2004 he addressed the research activity of 5 PhD students
from the PhD School of Engineering and Architecture; their final
thesis were titled:
· Strengthening
of RC structures by FRP: Experimental analyses and Numerical
modeling (Dr. Barbara Ferracuti).
· Dynamic
identification of modal parameters and mechanical properties of
structures by using optimization algorithms (Dr. Loris
· Creep and
damage models for the service behavior of structural members (Dr.
Marina Bottoni).
· Assessment of
Seismic Safety: Response Surface Approach and Accelerogram
Selection Issues (Dr. Nicola Buratti).
· Non-linear
analysis methodologies for the structural behavior of constructions
(in progress –
Ing. Marco Bovo).
From 2011 he is advisor of 9 research fellows working inside the
Research Center for Industrial Research (CIRI-EC) Edilizia e
Costruzioni of the University of Bologna on the following
· Safety and
sustainability of existing structural systems
· Methodologies
for the evaluation of safety of structural systems
· Safety and
sustainability of innovative structural systems
· Definition of
criteria for seismic vulnerability assessment of strategic
buildings and infrastructures of Emilia Romagna region.
From 2008 he addressed the research activity of three further
research fellows working inside DICAM Department on topic
concerning Structural identification, Composite materials and
Structural reliability.
Institutional Research Projects
The research activity has been carried throughthe financial
supportof a number of research funds granted by University of
Bologna, Ministry of University and Research (MIUR), National
Council of Research (CNR), European Union and Italian Department of
Civil Protection. Claudio Mazzotti is the Principal Investigator
(Responsible) of the following research projects:
2012-2014: Principal Investigator (Responsible) of the Research
Unit of Bologna within a POR FESR Abruzzo 2007-13 Project (Activity
I.1.1 line B, Center of Sustainable Building Innovation); title of
the project is: Improvement of building materials and systems
performances, for a sustainable construction (overall funding is €
850000, UNIBO funding is € 200000).
2010-2013: Principal Investigator (Responsible) of the Research
Unit of Bologna on the topics: “Development and analysis of new
materials for the seismic retrofit” A.T. 2 task. 3.1 and “RC
Structure” A.T. 2 task. 1.1, within the RELUIS II research project
granted by Italian Department of Civil Protection (UNIBO funding is
€ 55000).
Furthermore, from 1997 till present Claudio Mazzotti
participated in the draftingand development of 12 research projects
of which: 5 PRIN projects and 1 FIRB project granted by MIUR, 2
projects granted by the CNR, 3 projects granted by the Italian
Department of Civil Protection and 1 projects granted by the
European Union for a total gross amount of € 600000 granted.
Research projects obtained from private Companies and Public
Claudio Mazzotti proposed, developed and was the Principal
Investigator (Responsible) of a number of Research Projects funded
by private Companies and Public Bodies concerning experimental
activity, numerical simulations and systems development. In the
following, the most recent projects of which Claudio Mazzotti has
been Principal Investigator (Responsible) are reported:
2012 – Research project funded by Reglass company titled:
“Development of innovative systems for structural engineering by
using composite materials”; grant amount € 15000 + VAT.
2012 – Research project (multidisciplinary coordination) funded
by Terzer company titled: “Evaluation of static and thermal
behavior of slab connector T-therm”; grant amount € 19500 +
2012 - Research project funded by Provincia di Bologna titled:
“Definition of Guide Lines for the local strengthening of 8 school
buildings made of precast structures”; grant amount € 33057 +
2012 – Research project funded by Terzer company titled:
“Preliminary study on the mechanical behavior of walls composed of
wooden block dry mounted”; grant amount € 13200 + VAT.
2011 – Research project funded by Provincia di Bologna titled:
“Seismic vulnerability assessment of # 4 school buildings by
applying a simplified technique”; grant amount € 10000 + VAT.
2011 – Research project funded by Baraldini company titled:
“Evaluation of the structural behavior of the multi-span masonry
arch bridge crossing the Reno river in Bologna and of its seismic
vulnerability”; grant amount € 47950 + VAT.
2010 – Research project funded by Provincia di Bologna titled:
“Development of a new simplified method for the seismic
vulnerability assessment of the strategic buildings managed by
Provincia di Bologna”; grant amount € 9800 + VAT.
Moreover, Claudio Mazzotti joined the workgroup of a number of
others research projects funded by Private Companies and Public
Bodies in which he organized, developed and carried out the
activity. In the last six years he was involved in projects
accounting for a total grant amount of € 831000 + VAT (more details
can be found in the CV in Italian attached).
Claudio Mazzotti carried out a large amount of experimental
activity at the Lab of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering
(LISG) and together with CIRI Edilizia e Costruzioni, both
concerning research topics and commercial activity. In the latter
case, he was very often coordinator and responsible of the test.
Part of this activity is described in a number of publications.
In the context of commercial activity, Claudio Mazzotti carried
out static tests (service and failure loads) on a number of RC,
precast RC, masonry, wooden, steel structures both in the lab and
on-site (more details can be found in the CV in Italian
He also designed and carried out several dynamic tests on
important structures belonging to many different categories:
conventional buildings, industrial buildings, ancient buildings,
hospitals, bridges, foot-bridges, towers, etc…; many excitations
techniques and identification methodologies were used (more details
can be found in the CV in Italian attached).
A short list of experimental activities is reported below,
selected among those carried out in the context of research
projects (more details can be found in the CV in Italian
1. On-site experimental campaign
on some 300 RC box culverts in order to define correlation criteria
between system dynamic parameters and static deformability un
service loading.
2. Bond tests on FRP strengthened
masonry panels; tests were carried out both on single bricks and
masonry units investigating a number of different parameters. Part
of the activity belonged to an international RILEM Round Robin
3. Experimental campaign to define
a correlation between compression strength of masonry cores and
mechanical properties of the corresponding wall.
4. Experimental campaign devoted
to the investigation of the structural behavior of RC walls cast
inside wooden block; many tests types were carried out: compression
and shear tests on small specimens, cyclic shear and compression
tests on full-scale walls, even with openings, cyclic tests on
slab-wall and wall-wall joints.
5. Tests on full-scale beams (10
m) made in different phases (precast and cast-in-situ parts):
ultimate strength and long-term behavior were investigated.
6. Cyclic tests on full-scale RC
beam-column 3- and 4-ways joints belonging to a structural system
made in different phases.
7. Cyclic tests on full-scale
precast columns clamped to the foundation by applying bending
moment and axial force.
8. Structural behavior of elements
made of FRC: tests on prisms and beams considering the effect of
type of fibers, temperature, aggressive environment.
9. Bond tests on concrete
specimens strengthened with EBR technique; different set-ups were
considered and a new one was proposed. Part of the activity
belonged to some national and international fib Round Robin
10. Long-term tests on FRP strengthened RC structural
elements by using an original set-up investigating a number of
11. Analysis of long-term behaviour of FRP pultruded
elements, considering both simple specimens and structural elements
under shear and flexure.
12. Analysis of crack pattern development during short and
long-term compression tests on concrete by using Electronic Speckle
Pattern Interferometry (ESPI).
13. Long-term tests (creep, shrinkage) on self-compacting
concrete specimens and structural elements like beams.
From 2009 he is chair of Structural Committee of Engineers
Association of Bologna.
In 2010 and 2011 he was a member of the panel for the
attribution of the legal title to Engineers of Bologna.
From 2000 to date he has worked as a consultant for many
professional firms concerning structural issues. A short list of
the most recent activities is reported below (more details can be
found in the CV in Italian attached):
2012 – Definition of the structural reasons producing strong
damages to the foundation of high rise wind turbines (70 m high)
belonging to several winds farms in Calabria.
2012 – Analysis of seismic vulnerability of several ancient
buildings belonging to University of Bologna (gross surface 300000
m2), together with others colleagues
2011 – Analysis of structural behavior and seismic vulnerability
of railway multispan masonry arch bridge crossing the Reno river in
2011 – Consultant for the public prosecutor of the Court of
Rimini (criminal case) concerning an anomalous strengthening
intervention on a building.
2010 – Consultant for the Italian Department of Civil Protection
concerning definition of seismic vulnerability of primary school in
Sulmona, Italy.
2009 – Consultant for the public prosecutor of the Court of
Rimini (criminal case) concerning activity of designers and
officials related to strong damages occurred in some RC
2007 – Design of RC framed structure built in Pianoro (BO);
building cost € 2.000.000.