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Antonio Del Vecchio

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: GSPS-03/A History of Political Thought


Keywords: History of modern and contemporary political thought; Political Philosophy; Italian Philosophy; Critical Thought; Contemporary French Philosophy; Grotius; Global History of Political Concepts; Political Spaces

My research activities are focused on the main traditions of modern political thought and on the critical perspectives emerged during the 20th century (notably within the Marxist tradition, the Frankfurt School, the French post-structuralist philosophy and the post-colonial theory). I am also interested in the past and contemporary developments of Italian political thought and on the global perspectives on the history of modern political concepts and on classic European thinkers such as Grotius. I have written two monographs in Italian on these topics: Un'amicizia stellare: traiettorie della critica in Derrida e Foucault (Il Mulino, 2018) and La legge nell'Oceano. Ugo Grozio e le origini dello spazio politico moderno (Il Mulino 2020), as well as several journal articles. 

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