Foto del docente

Antonio Del Vecchio

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: GSPS-03/A History of Political Thought

Curriculum vitae


After obtaining a classical high school diploma, he has attended a he has attended a Bachelor course in Philosophy and a Master degree in Philosophical Sciences at the University of Bologna and he graduated in 2006 (with a dissertation on Max Horkheimer's and Theodor W. Adorno's Dialectic of Enlightenment) and 2009 (with a dissertation on Jacques Derrida's political thought). In 2014 he has obtained a PhD in Political Studies: History and Theory at the University of Turin (with a dissertation on Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault's approach to critical thought, politics and ethics). 

Academic and Research Experiences

Since 2011 he has occasionally collaborated with the teaching of History of Political Thought at the Department of History of the University of Bologna and with the teaching of Legal Philosophy at the University of Salerno. In 2017 and 2018 he has been a research fellow at the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici in Neaples. Since 2018 he has taught a course in Italian Political Thought as adjunct professor at the University of Bologna. From May 2020 to April 2021 he has been a research fellow at the University of Bologna with a project titled Deconstructive criticism and global history of modern political concepts. Starting from June 2021 he is Junior assistant professor (fixed-term) Department of History and Cultures of the University of Bologna. In 2022 he has obtained the National Scientific Qualification to Associate professor in History of political thought and institution (14/B1). From the 1st of October 2024 he is Tenure Track Researcher.  

Grants and honors

2010 - Fellowship for the participation in the 10th Edition of the Modena Philosophy Festival.

2011-2013 - Phd Fellowship from the University of Turin.

2014 - Grant covering the fees for the First Edition of the Bologna-Duke Summer School on Global Studies and Critical Theory.

2015 - Grant covering the fees for the Second Edition of the Bologna-Duke Summer School on Global Studies and Critical Theory.

2016 - Fellowship for cycle of conferences on Emancipation at the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies (Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici) at Rome.

2017: Research Fellowship at the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici for a project titled Unexpected subjects. The problem of subjectivity in the Italian debate of the late 20th century

2018: Research Fellowship at the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici for a project titled The theoretical and political experience of Socialisme ou Barbarie

Conference and seminars

2011-2012: Seminars on Hobbes and Rousseau held at the University of Bologna for the undergraduate students attending the History of Political Thought Course.

2012-2013: Seminars on Hobbes, Rousseau and Weber held at the University of Bologna for the undergraduate students attending the History of Political Thought Course. 

2014: Lecture on Michel Foucault’s concepts of resistance and subjectification held at the University of Bologna for the MA students attending the History of Political Thought Course.

2014: Takes part in the first edition of the Bologna-Duke Summer School in Global Studies and Critical Theory (on Space and Politics in the Global Age).

2014/2015: Seminars on Rousseau, Kant and Hegel held at the University of Bologna for the undergraduate students attending the History of Political thought Course.

2015 - Takes part in the second edition of the Bologna-Duke Summer School in Global Studies and Critical Theory (on Critical Theories).

2016: Organizes a seminar for undergraduate students on "Power and recognition in Hegel, Fanon and Foucault" together with Isabella Consolati and Lorenzo Ravano at the Department of History and Cultures of the University of Bologna. 

2017: Takes part in the Conference organized by the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici on cosmopolitanism and its aporias with a speech titled the Deconstruction of Universalism and the Cosmopolitanism to come.

2018: Speech titled Modernity in the Backlight: Foucault and the actualization of ancient ethos, in a seminar on Foucault and the Greeks organized by the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici in Pisa.

2019: Speech titled The theoretical and political experience of "Socialisme ou Barbarie" at the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici in Naples.

2022: Speech titled sociability, consent and power in the thought of Hugo Grotius at the national conference on Power and forms of consent in the history of political thought organized in Palermo by the Association of the Italian historians of political doctrines. 

International experience of research

Research Period at the Ehess in Paris during the PhD in Political Studies. 

Editorial Experience

Editorial board of the journal "Filosofia Politica" (member)

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