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Vittorio Cisnetti

PhD Student

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: L-ANT/02 Greek History


Keywords: Achaemenids; Athens; autonomous city; Cilicia; Classical age; Cypriot kingdoms; Cyprus; East Mediterranean; Egypt; fleet; Greece/Greeks; Levant; local communities; managed autonomy; Persia/Persians; Persian Wars; Phoenicia/Phoenicians; polis; ports; sea; ships; suzerainty; “uses of the sea”

- Late Archaic and Classical Greek History (6th - 4th centuries B.C.)

- History of the Ancient Near East (Levantine area)

- Achaemenid History

- Connections and intertwinings of the Greek world with the lands and peoples of the East Mediterranean

- Persian Wars; fights and encounters between the Greeks (and Athens at the first place), the Persians and the subjects of the Achaemenid kingdom

- Greek sea warfare; structures and activities of Persian fleets

- History of ancient Cypriot, Cilician and Levantine communities under Persian Achaemenid rule

- Political management models of the western and Mediterranean holdings of the Achaemenid kingdom

- Historiographies of Greek-Persian relations; interests of classical writers (historians, orators, poets and so on) for the Levantine events, and integrations with the local sources

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