Foto del docente

Valerio Salvini

PhD Student

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: M-GGR/01 Geography

Curriculum vitae


  • 2022 (September - December) Visiting Ph.D. student at the Universitat Rovira I Virgili (Spain)

  • 2021 Master Degree in Geography and Territorial Processes, University of Bologna

  • 2018 Bachelor Degree in Political, Social and International Science, University of Bologna

Participation to conferences

  • 08/09/2018 Conferenza nazionale della Società Itaiana di Scienza Politica a Torino.
    Title of the paper “State repression and intellectual migrations: the case of

  • 31/06/2018 Unconference “Urban struggles in mediterranean cities” at the Polithecnical School of Athens. Title of the paper “The struggle for the urban space and the cultural hegemony: the case of Bologna”

  • 11/05/2018 International Conference “Beyond Planetary Apartheid” at ICS-ULisboa and CEI-IUL. Title of the paper “Socio-spatial exclusion in the rebuilding of Syria”


  • 20-24/01/2020 International Workshop “Siti universitari in movimento: indagine sensibile e sensoriale della Cité Descartes e del quartiere della Sorbonne” at the École d'Urbanisme de Paris


  • Italian - First language
  • English - 7.0 IELTS score
  • Spanish - B2

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