Foto del docente

Stefano Cavazza

Full Professor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: HIST-03/A Contemporary History

Short Bio

Full professor in Contemporary History, Department of Arts  ( faculty member). Actually he is departmental delegate for internationalisation. From November 2015 to october 2021 he has been Vice-rector's Delegate for International Teaching and Education. Actually he is membre of the editorial board in Political History of the publisher Rubbettino and has been member of the Executive Committee of the SISSCO and SISCALT. between 2019 and 2024 he has been co-editor of the peer review Journal " Ricerche di storia Politica". He has carried out research on different topics of Italian and German political and cultural history: Local identities, consumption studies, development of mass society, electoral campaign, delegitimation of political systems, nationalism. Among his recent publication: Piccole Patrie, (Mulino Publisher 20032), Dimensione massa, (Mulino Publisher 2004); Consumi e politica nell’Italia repubblicana (editor) (Mulino Publisher 2013), Dimensione massa, (Il Mulino 2004), Nazione, Nazionalismo e Folklore. Italia e Germania dall'Ottocento a oggi, Bologna, (Il Mulino 2024).

Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 051 20 9 2053

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Dipartimento delle Arti
Via Barberia 4, Bologna - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

Office hours:Teacher's office in via barberia 4  on Monday  from 4 pm to 6 pm ( variations in January see below)

Temporary variations



ATTENTION: 24th March (only for this week) OFFICER HOURS from 3 pm to 4,45 pm