Foto del docente

Simona Tondelli

Full Professor

Department of Architecture

Academic discipline: CEAR-12/A Urban and Regional Planning

Deputy Rector

Short Bio

Full professor in Urban Planning and Design and member of the scientific board of the PhD programme in Architecture and Design Cultures, she is currently serving as the Deputy Rector of the University of Bologna.

Her research focuses on urban and territorial planning, particularly on issues related to urban and rural regeneration, the integration of sustainability goals within land-use governance tools, and the relationships between transportation and land use. She coordinates several Horizon projects and leads the UNIBO research group in numerous European and local projects.

Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 051 20 9 3166

Dipartimento di Architettura
Viale del Risorgimento 2, Bologna - Go to map

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By appointment only, on Thursday at 1 pm

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