Foto del docente

Silvio Peroni

Associate Professor

Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies

Academic discipline: INFO-01/A Informatics

Director of Second Cycle Degree in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge


Informatica di base: regole per l'esame da remoto

Per i prossimi appelli - ovvero sicuramente quelli di maggio, giugno, e luglio 2021 - l'esame di Informatica di Base (sia A-D e E-M, tenuto dal prof. Peroni, sia N-Z, tenuto dal prof. Asprino) verranno svolti interamente da remoto usando il nuovo sistema EOL (Esami On-Line) + Zoom messo a disposizione ...

Published on: May 25 2021

Computational Thinking and Programming: rules for remote written examinations

The examination will be entirely held remotely by means of the framework EOL (Esami On-Line) + Zoom provided by the University – if you want to download Zoom in advance, please go to the vendor download page (the tool is named "Zoom Client for Meetings"). The instructions to access to the session are ...

Published on: May 10 2020

Exams and academic year

A reminder to all the students of all my courses ("Basic Informatics" and "Computational Thinking and Programming"): the exam concerns always the programme highlighted in the current accademic year. Thus, I suggest to read carefully the course programme of the current academic year in advance before ...

Published on: July 02 2018