Foto del docente

Roberta Bonetti

Associate Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: SDEA-01/A Demoethnoanthropological Sciences

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 376KB )

Associate professor at the University of Bologna.

In 2023, qualified as First Level Professor (ASN) 11/A5 M-DEA/01.

He is currently a member of the PQA (University Quality Presidium) (2022/2027).

She is responsible with Cristiana Natali, of Real lab ( ), for the promotion and dissemination of activities and projects on anthropology of education and disability carried out within the Department.

Teaching activities

Since 2006, he has continuously carried out teaching activities as the holder of various teaching courses for Undergraduate and Master's Degree Courses at Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna. He has also carried out contract teaching activities at the University of Verona, Free University of Bolzano, Sapienza University of Rome.


Research topics

She conducts studies and research on learning processes in educational contexts and in the worlds of Public and Private Institutions.

Involved in the world of education for many years, she has designed and curated educational projects and tools resulting from her direct experience in the field with the aim of disseminating anthropology in the world of education and work organizations.

Anthropology of art, with particular reference to the contemporary productions of Western Africa, to the social contexts of production, use and reception in Africa and in the international contexts; anthropology of material culture and new forms of production of ‘museums’ in the contemporary world; the intertwining relation of design to anthropology.

Applied anthropology; research applied to industrial production and work organizations; situated learning and research action in business contexts.

Anthropology of education, of and in learning contexts, formal and informal alike; ethnographical counselling and anthropology of education; learning process in contexts of social interaction.

For each of these thematic axes she has carried out activities both in academic (publications, organization of scholarly events, seminars and workshops), and didactic contexts (courses, seminars), and in extra-academic projects (national and international projects in collaboration with public and private institutions, exhibitions).


Academic career

In 2006 she obtained her Ph.D. in "Religious Studies: Social Sciences and Historical Studies of Religions" and in "Anthropologie sociale, ethnographie et ethnologie ", awarded on May 29, 2006 at the University of Bologna under a co-tutorial agreement with L'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris.

In 2007/2008 she is a Fellow of the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America at Columbia University of New York.

In 2017 she is Researcher on fixed-term contract (RTDA) in the disciplinary sector M-DEA/01 at the Department of History Cultures and Civilizations of the University of Bologna. In 2020, she is a Fixed-term Researcher (RTDB) in the disciplinary scientific sector M-DEA/01.

In 2020, qualified as Second Level Professor (ASN) 11/A5 M-DEA/01.

In 2023, qualified as First Level Professor (ASN) 11/A5 M-DEA/01.


Institutional activities and academic appointments

From 2017 to 2022, she served as the Department of History Cultures Civilizations' Delegate for Third Mission.

From 2022 to 2024 she was a member of the Giunta of the Department of History Cultures Civilizations.

Since 2022 she has been a member of the Third Mission Observatory (OTM) for the Humanities Area of the University of Bologna on behalf of the Rector (2022/2025 term).

She is currently a member of the PQA (University Quality Presidium) on behalf of the Rector of the Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna.


Membership in scientific and editorial committees.

In 2001 she was among the founders of Simbdea.

In 2013 she was among the founders of the Italian Society of Applied Anthropology (SIAA).

From 2013 to 2015 member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Society for Applied Anthropology (SIAA).

From 2015 to 2017 Vice-President and member of the Board of Directors of SIAA (Italian Society for Applied Anthropology).

From 2017 to 2019 Reviewer and member of the Board of Directors SIAA (Italian Society for Applied Anthropology).

Member of the Scientific Committee of the journal “Antropologia Pubblica” (Clueb, Bologna).

Member of the Scientific Committee of Serie “Antropologia del Patrimonio” (CISU, Rome).

Member of the Scientific Committee of the journal "Educazione Interculturale. Teorie, ricerche e pratiche” " from 2016 to 2020.

Member of the Scientific Committee of the journal "Educazione Interculturale” Department of Educational Sciences "Giovanni Maria Bertin" Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna.

Member of the Editorial Board in the Series "CONTAMINAZIONI," Licosia, Salerno.

Member of the Series “Antropologi nelle Imprese” (CISU, Rome).