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Rita Maria Fabris

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: PEMM-01/A Performing Arts


Formal collaboration with:
Aarhus University
Member of the Research Group of the Danish project ArtEx - Artistic exchanges. The Royal Danish Theatre in Europe/Europe in the Royal Danish Theatre supported by Augustinus Fundus, directed by Ulla Kallenbach (Aarhus University | School for Communication and Culture, DK).
Collaboration with:
Associazione Nazionale DES - Danza Educazione Società
DES Associazione Nazionale Danza Educazione Società was founded in 2001 (original name: Danza Educazione Scuola) and aims to promote, disseminate and conduct research into the pedagogical and formative function of dance in the educational and social areas. DES organises annual conferences and study projects with the aim of bringing together and reflecting those who are involved in dance and education in Italy. DES is open to all those - teachers, educators, artists, parents, organisations and associations - who are interested in the relationship between dance, education and society and who wish to support and develop the formative and educational value of dance. DES has its official headquarters at the Department of Arts of the University of Bologna, has members and collaborators throughout Italy and is currently chaired by Franca Zagatti, who took over from Prof. Eugenia Casini Ropa, who was appointed Honorary President.

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