Foto del docente

Rebecca Levy Orelli

Associate Professor

Department of Management

Academic discipline: ECON-06/A Business Administration, Accounting & Performance Measurement

Director of University of Bologna Experimental farm

Delegate for financial statement and planning

Short Bio

Rebecca Levy Orelli is Associate Professor of Accounting at the Department of Management. Her research is defined by an interest in areas at the intersection of business, society and the natural environment. Her research is necessarily interdisciplinary and she is the author or co-author of papers in the fields of accounting and management. She leads the Sustainability and Circular Economy Lab at the University of Bologna and the Accountability section of the CERVAP (Research center for the public value at the University of Ferrara). She published more than 70 journal articles and books, serves in the editorial board of Meditari Accountancy Research and International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age, and joins EGPA, IRSPM, EAA and EIASM international networks and SISR, SIDREA and AIDEA national ones. She took part part in European funded projects related to sustainability (BioPlastics Europe, H2020), values (Uncharted, H2020) and higher education (Picasps, Erasmus+).

Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 0543 374 640

Other contacts


Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali
Piazzale della Vittoria 15, Forlì - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours


27 January at 9, 3 February at 9, 11 February at 9, Forlì Campus

Please send an email to schedule a meet in person or on Teams.



Office hours take place in
Forlì p.le Vittoria, 15 - office 105
Bologna via Capo di Lucca 34

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