Foto del docente

Paolo Tortora

Full Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-01/E Aerospace Equipment and Systems



Keywords: micro space systems avionic systems radio science experiments microsatellites interplanetary probes

  • Design, manufacturing and test of microsatellites and space microsystems, including their ground segment.
  • Design of avionic and communication systems for space microsystems; and implementation and validation of estimation and control algorithms.
  • Participation to radio science experiments on exploration missions in the solar system; in particular:
    -  NASA/ESA/ASI Cassini/Huygens mission (Saturn system),
    -  NASA Juno mission (Jupiter system)
    -  ESA BepiColombo mission (Mercury)
    -  ESA JUICE mission (Jupiter and the moons Callisto and Ganymede),
    -  NASA Clipper mission (Jupiter and the moon Europa),
    -  ESA Hera (Didymos binary asteroid system).

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