Foto del docente

Paola Maria Carmela Italia

Full Professor

Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies

Academic discipline: LIFI-01/B Philology of Italian Literature

Short Bio

Paola Italia was born in Milan and lives in Florence. She has taught at the Universities of Siena and Rome "La Sapienza" and held courses at the Universities of Lausanne, Sorbonne Nouvelle and Wellesley. She has worked on various authors and issues of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with a particular focus on philological and linguistic problems related to paper and digital text editions (Editing Novecento, Salerno, 2013, Editing Duemila, Salerno, 2020) and the study and edition of authors' variants (Che cos'è la filologia d'autore, written with Giulia Raboni, Carocci, 2021 (10ed.), What is authorial philology, Cambridge, OBP, 2021, available in OA), including Manzoni and Leopardi (Manzoni, Carocci, 2020 and Il metodo di Leopardi, Rome, Carocci, 2016). In the twentieth-century field she has worked on Savinio (Il pellegrino appassionato, Sellerio, 2004), Bassani (Opere, Mondadori, 2001), Tobino (Opere scelte, Mondadori, 2007) and Gadda (Come lavorava Gadda, Rome, Carocci, 2017). With Giorgio Pinotti and Claudio Vela he is responsible for the new Adelphi edition of Gadda's Works (Accoppiamenti giudiziosi, 2011, Eros e Priapo, 2016).

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+39 051 20 9 8564

Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica
Via Zamboni 32, Bologna - Go to map

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Office hours

I ricevimenti si tengono nello Studio 22, II piano, via Zamboni 32; per esigenze particolari possono essere tenuti on line.

Tutti i ricevimenti devono essere prenotati scrivendo a


Prossimi ricevimenti

26 marzo h. 10.00

31 marzo h. 15.00


Office hours are held in Studio 22, 2nd floor, via Zamboni 32; for special needs they can be held online.

All Office hours must be booked by writing to


March, 26th, h. 10.00 AM

March, 31st,  h. 3.00 PM