Foto del docente

Nicola Sancisi

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-02/A Applied Mechanics

Curriculum vitae


Nicola Sancisi was born on February 17, 1979 in Bologna, Italy, where he lives at present. He attended secondary  school specializing in scientific studies at the Liceo Scientifico E. Fermi in Bologna, where he received the school-leaving certificate in 1998. He then received the Laurea degree (with honors) in Mechanical Engineering in 2004 and the Ph.D. degree in Mechanics of Machines in 2008 at the University of Bologna, under the supervision of Professor Parenti Castelli. From 2008 he works at DIN in Bologna, first as a post-doctoral researcher, then as an assistant professor, and now as an associate professor.


His studies are mainly focused on biomechanics, in particular knee and ankle modelling, experimental motion analysis, and prosthesis design and optimization. In this field, he collaborated with several research centers and international companies. His research interests include also the analysis and synthesis of mechanisms, both for biomechanics and automation. In this last field, he collaborated with several national companies for the analysis of automated systems.


His work in the aforementioned areas has been the subject of several scientific publications in international conferences and journals. In 2007 he received the best paper award from the IFToMM Scientific Committee. He is also the coinventor of two international patents.


He speaks Italian, English and French.



2005-2007: Ph.D. in Mechanics of Machines, University of Bologna, Italy.  Dissertation: "A new approach for the dynamic modelling of the human knee", Prof. V. Parenti Castelli (advisor).


2005: Professional Engineer Certificate (qualification for professional practice), University of Bologna, Italy.


1998-2004: Laurea Degree (Master-degree equivalent) in Mechanical Engineering, summa cum laude, University of Bologna, Italy. Dissertation: "A new kinetostatic model of the human ligaments with application to clinical tests of the knee" (in Italian), Prof. V. Parenti Castelli (advisor).


1993-1998: General Certificate of Secondary Education, Liceo Scientifico E. Fermi, Bologna, Italy.


Academic Position:

01.08.2019 to date: associate professor at the School of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Bologna, Italy, Department of Industrial Engineering (DIN).


01.08.2013-31.07.2019: assistant professor at the School of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Bologna, Italy, Department of Industrial Engineering (DIN).

01.01.2008-31.07.2013: post-doctoral researcher at the School of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Bologna, Italy, Department of Industrial Engineering (DIN).

2018 to date: professor of Fundamentals of Mechanics P and Laboratory of Mechanics P for the Professional Degree Courses in Mechatronics.


2016 to date: professor of Fundamentals of Mechanics of Machines 1 for the 1st Level Degree Courses in Automation and Electrical Engineering.


2013 to 2016: professor of Fundamentals of Mechanics of Machines 2 for the 1st Level Degree Courses in Automation Engineering.


2010-2011: assistant instructor of Fundamentals of Mechanics of Machines for the 1st Level Degree Courses in Energetic Engineering.


2008-2013: contract professor of Fundamentals of Mechanics of Machines for the 1st Level Degree Courses in Automation Engineering.

2008-2010: contract professor of Fundamentals of Mechanics of Machines for the 1st Level Degree Courses in Energetic Engineering.

2006-2013: assistant instructor of Mechanics of Machines for the 1st Level Degree Courses in Mechanical Engineering.

2005-2006: assistant instructor of Fundamentals of Mechanics of Machines and of Mechanics of Robots for the 1st and the 2nd Level Degree Courses in Automation and Mechanical Engineering.


Other activities:

He has been collaborating with national and international companies specialized on automatic machines and on prosthtetic devices.


Prizes and Scholarships:

2007: Best paper award at the 12th IFToMM World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Besançon, France, June 18-21, 2007;


2005: Masi-Carducci scholarship for the best Master Thesis in Applied Mechanics;


2004: Ministerial scholarship for PhD in Applied Mechanics.

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