Renzi, Nicola, More-than-music. Echosystems, acoustemologies and histories of listening from Sápmi, Helsinki, University of Helsinki, 2025, pp. 294 (DISSERTATIONES UNIVERSITATIS HELSINGIENSIS). [Research monograph]Open Access
Renzi, Nicola, Variazioni sul vento. Storie di ascolto ed ecologie musicali dai territori indigeni dell’artico europeo, in: Suono e luogo, Milano, Mimesis edizioni, 2024, pp. 121 - 162 (MOLIMO) [Chapter or essay]
Renzi, Nicola, Biegga, Čáhci, Duoddarat, and other ‘geo-phones’. Polyorganicity of Sápmi and environmental accompaniments to Sámi joik, in: Refining versus Simplification in Transmission and Performance / Humans and their Musical Instruments as Part of Nature, Berlin, Logos Verlag Berlin, 2023, pp. 159 - 176 [Chapter or essay]
Nicola Renzi, Lo spirito nella roccia. Tracce ierofoniche dalla tundra indigena europea, in: Silvia Bruni, Ilaria Meloni, Lorenzo Chiarofonte, Nicola Renzi, Daniele Zappatore, Marco Lutzu, Musica e incontro con gli spiriti. Materiali di studio su prospettive etnografiche ed etnomusicologiche, Udine, Nota, 2023, pp. 71 - 90 (VESTA) [Chapter or essay]
Nicola Renzi, Today Has Been Hard: A Sonic Account on the Simultaneous Fall of Human Rights in Finland and Norway, in: 12th Symposium of the ICTMD Study Group on Music and Minorities with a joint day with the Study Group on Indigenous Music and Dance Program & Abstracts, Kelaniya, Vidyalankara Press, 2023, pp. 60 - 60 (atti di: 4-9 Dicembre 2023, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 12th Symposium of the ICTMD Study Group on Music and Minorities with a joint day with the Study Group on Indigenous Music and Dance) [Abstract]
Nicola Renzi, Review of: Emanuele Tumminello, Una indagine sulla tradizione musicale
in Alto Svaneti, Palermo, Edizioni Museo Pasqualino,
pp. 114, 2022, ISBN 9791280664181 (libro con codice QR, 2022), «ETNOGRAFIE SONORE/ SOUND ETHNOGRAPHIES», 2022, 5, pp. 191 - 194 [Review]
Nicola Renzi, «Uno yoik è più potente della polvere da sparo». Riflessioni sul caso Alta-Kautokeino in memoria di Mattis Hætta (1959-2022), «ETNOGRAFIE SONORE/ SOUND ETHNOGRAPHIES», 2022, 5, pp. 107 - 128 [Scientific article]Open Access
Nicola Renzi, Water protectors 'behind the screen'. Digital activism practices within the #nodapl movement, «ANTROPOLOGIA», 2022, 9, pp. 141 - 162 [Scientific article]Open Access
Nicola Renzi, «What Will the Spirits Tell Us about the Events to Come?»: Mapping the Environmental Crisis on a Sami Noaidi Drum, in: Book of Abstracts of the 46th World Conference of the International Council for Traditional Music, Aveiro, UA Editora - Universidade de Aveiro, 2022, pp. 236 - 236 (atti di: 46th World Conference of the International Council for Traditional Music, Lisbona, 21/07/2022 - 27/07/2022) [Abstract]
Renzi, N, Joiking life narratives. The performance of indigenous self-perception in Sami life stories, «ANTROPOLOGIA E TEATRO», 2021, 13, pp. 49 - 64 [Scientific article]Open Access
Nicola Renzi, Review of: Steven Feld, Il Mondo Sonoro dei Bosavi. Espressioni Musicali, Legami Sociali e Natura nella Foresta Pluviale della Papua Nuova Guinea, Palermo, Edizioni Museo Pasqualino (Suoni&culture 8), pp. 227, 2021, ISBN 978- 88-97035-87-9 (Libro con DVD e due Audio CD), «ETNOGRAFIE SONORE/ SOUND ETHNOGRAPHIES», 2021, 4, pp. 151 - 155 [Review]
Renzi, N, The Sami Drum from Oracular Rituality to Musical Performance, «ETNOGRAFIE SONORE/ SOUND ETHNOGRAPHIES», 2020, III, pp. 13 - 46 [Scientific article]