Foto del docente

Nicola De Luigi

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: GSPS-05/A Sociologia generale

Prorettore per la didattica

Contenuti utili

Il percorso di tesi


  1. To realize a thesis, you must discuss and organize it at receiving hours (Request for Meeting Appointment is appreciated).
  2. After a first exploratory discussion, the next step consists in proposing to the professor: a) a tentative tabel of contents and b) a first list of refeneces on the agreed topic; once delivered (also in the postal box of the teacher) it is necessary to discuss them at reception
  3. From the moment you start writing, steps must follow this procedure: hand over to the professor (even in a postal mail) one chapter at a time (in its, supposed, final shape) in paper; feedbacks, comments and corrections have to be discussed at the receiving hours; you proceed to deliver the next chapter, etc.
  4. Time schedule: a) the student's time schedule is decided by the student in full autonomy; b) professor times are equally autonomous: between receiving a chapter and the delivery of the chapter with corrections, it takes a week (no further compressible, under any circumstances)
  5. Every time a chapter is delivered, you must always deliver: a) cover (with thesis title, level of thesis, name, last name and email of the author); b) table of contents (as it is always revisable in progress); c) final bibliography (complete though integrable and revisable to the end)
  6. Overall time schedule: as underlined in point 4, both the students and the professor are autonomous as far as time schedule are concerned. There is therefore no boundary limit fixed a priori ("you should not spend more than x months, etc"), nor can the student be certain to graduate in a session fixed a priori. The thesis realization lasts until the work is really concluded. In case it could be a useful information, I observe that: for a three-year thesis, the average is 4 to 6 months of student's work; for a master thesis, it is about 12 months.

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