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Nicola Badolato (*1980), PhD in Musicology and Musical Heritage, degrees in Piano and Harpsichord, postdoc at the Yale University. He's Associate Professor in the Department of the Arts, University of Bologna. He has published the critical editions of librettos by Carlo Maria Maggi (2010), Giovanni Faustini (2012) and Benedetto Ferrari (2013), and of operas staged in Rome by Filippo Juvarra in 1710-1714 (2016); he collaborates to the critical edition of Francesco Cavalli's operas (2012-). He's member of Associazione culturale "Il Saggiatore musicale" in Bologna, of the SSCM - Society for Seventeenth-Century Music, and of the IMS - International Musicological Society, he collaborates with the Study Groups on Transmission of Knowledge as a Primary Aim in Music Education and on Cavalli and 17th-Century Venetian Opera. He's member of the editorial board of "Il Saggiatore musicale". Together with Paolo Somigli and Maria Rosa De Luca, he's Associate editor of the online journal "Musica Docta". He collaborates with the journal "Nuova Secondaria".
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