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After the classical high school diploma, he enrolled in the University of Bologna, where he earned his BA in Arts (2004), his MA in Ancient History (2007) and his Phd in Ancient History with label of Doctor Europaeus (2011).
As Phd student he studied both at the University Bordeaux 3 and the University of Vienna; then, he was post-doc fellow at the University of Vienna and the Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts to pursue the project “The members of the emperor’s family through the epigraphic material of the Roman province Dalmatia”.
From 2017 to 2022, he was research fellow at this department and was charged with the project "La parte orientale della Regio VIII nel contesto adriatico: similarità e differenze con i territori contermini e con la sponda orientale del mare".
In the three following years, he worked there as junior assistant professor in order to carry out the project "Green Paths sulle sponde del mare Adriatico: valorizzazione del patrimonio storico romano".
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