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Office Hours take place at Office n. 11, Department of Political and Social Sciences, Strada Maggiore, 45, 40125, Bologna, Italy
Office Hours will take place ONLINE, through the app. Microsoft Teams, on Tuesday,14:30-15:30
Office hours in presence will only take place upon previous contact with the Professor by email.
Office Hours of March 25 will take place at 15:30-16:30 hrs.
From 14:30 to 15hrs, please send a text message to the Professor by Teams and he will reply and indicate the priority order. Office hours end strictly at 15:30.
Please, control the Professor's webpage for any change.
For more information, please, contact him at his email address: massimiliano.trentin@unibo.it
Students must prepare a submit by email a written proposal (first draft), which should include:
1. Title
2. Abstract (Max 300 words), including: research object; relevance and originality of the research object within the scientific debate; methodology (sources and analytical approach)
3. Table of Contents (chapters and sub-divisions)
4. Bibliography: for MA Dissertations, it should include at least 10 books (monographs, edited works) dealing with the research object.
Usually, MA Dissertations exceed 100/120 pages, everything included.
For further details, please read carefully the guidelines for:
Master Course on International Relations
BA/Laurea in Political and Social Sciences and International Studies