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She is full professor of General and Applied Entomology since 2021. Her scientific interests mainly deal with the biology and rearing (both in vivo and in vitro) of parasitoids, especially Diptera Tachinidae and the rearing of potential hosts or preys of entomophagous insects. She is also interested in studying the sustainable control strategies of insect pests, in particular the new associations between indigenous parasitoids and exotic insects introduced in Italy. From 2017 to 2023, she was a co-convenor of the “Mass Rearing and Quality Assurance” Working Group (MRQA WG) of the International Organization for Biological Control (IOBC Global), which she joined in 2003. In this role, she organized the XV-MRQA workshop held in Bologna (5-9 September, 2022).She is an Executive Editor of the journal “Bulletin of Insectology” and a component of the Editorial Board of the journals “BioControl” and "Entomologia Experimentalis et applicata".
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