Baldarelli, Maria-Gabriella; Rosales, Macarena Paz Velasco, Feminist Economics, Feminist Accounting, and Organizations: Structured Literature Review for Shaping Sustainable World, in: Shaping Tomorrow Gender PerspectivesinaSustainableWorld, Cham, Springer, 2025, pp. 307 - 321 (SIDREA SERIES IN ACCOUNTING AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION) [capitolo di libro]
Baldarelli, M. G.; Cardillo, E., Accounting and governance for the inclusion of blind people in the fruition of cultural heritage, in: Selena Aureli, Patrizia Battilani, Alessia Mariotti, M.G. Baldarelli, E. Cardillo, UNESCO Turismo sostenibile fra patrimonio locale e cittadinanza globale, Bologna, AMS-Acta, 2024, pp. 37 - 55 [capitolo di libro]
Baldarelli M G; Cardillo E, Accounting and governance for the inclusion of blind people in the fruition of cultural heritage, in: Aureli, Selena ; Battilani, Patrizia ; Mariotti, Alessia, UNESCO. Turismo sostenibile fra patrimonio locale e cittadinanza globale, Bologna, Almaacta, 2024, pp. 37 - 55 (IL PATRIMONIO CULTURALE: RIFLESSIONI E PROSPETTIVE) [capitolo di libro]
Baldarelli, Maria-Gabriella; Ceraulo, Simona, Collective Value Co-creation and Accountability in Purpose-Driven Place-based Companies: Theory and Practice, in: M. Del Baldo, M.G. Baldarelli, E. Righini,..., Place Based Approaches to Sustainability Volume II, Cham, Palgrave, 2024, pp. 177 - 199 (PALGRAVE STUDIES IN SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS IN ASSOCIATION WITH FUTURE EARTH) [capitolo di libro]
Baldarelli, M. -G.; Del Baldo, M., COVID-19 Pandemic, New Technologies and Relational Goods Challenges in Higher Education: Are We Closer (to Sustainability) or Further Away? Insights from Italy, in: S. Puiu, S. O. Idowu, Online Education during COVID-19 and Beyond: Opportunities, Challenges and Its Future, Cham, Springer Nature, 2024, pp. 83 - 101 (CSR, SUSTAINABILITY, ETHICS & GOVERNANCE) [capitolo di libro]
Baldarelli, Maria-Gabriella; Cosentino, Antonietta; Del Baldo, Mara; Magistro, Angela, Feminist Approach to Integrated Reporting: Theory of the Firm and Practice in Dialogue, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT», 2024, 19, pp. 26 - 48 [articolo]Open Access
Del Baldo, Mara; Baldarelli, Maria-Gabriella; Righini, Elisabetta, Introduction, in: M. Del Baldo, M.G. Baldarelli, E. Righini,..., Place Based Approaches to Sustainability Volume II, Cham, Palgrave, 2024, pp. 1 - 11 (PALGRAVE STUDIES IN SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS IN ASSOCIATION WITH FUTURE EARTH) [capitolo di libro]
Del Baldo M.; Baldarelli M.G.; Righini E., Introduction, in: M. Del Baldo, M.G. Baldarelli, E. Righini,..., Place Based Approaches to Sustainability Volume II, Cham, Palgrave, 2024, pp. 1 - 12 (PALGRAVE STUDIES IN SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS IN ASSOCIATION WITH FUTURE EARTH) [prefazione]
Rusconi, G; Chirieleison, C; Baldarelli, MARIA-GABRIELLA; Fiandrino, S; Turzo, T, Italy, in: Bryan Robinson , Georges Enderle , Gianfranco Rusconi, Cecilia Chirieleison, Maria Gabriella Baldarelli, Simona Fiandrino, Teresa Turzo, Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 Teaching, Research and Training Volume 3: Europe, Geneva, Globethics, 2024, pp. 309 - 343 [capitolo di libro]
Baldarelli M.G., Del Baldo M., Vignini Stefania, Pandemics and accounting education- student's perspective, in: AA.VV., Accounting, Accountability and Crisis Management, London and New York, Costa Ericka, Contrafatto Massimo, Parker Lee D., 2024, pp. 166 - 185 [capitolo di libro]
Baldarelli, Maria Gabriella; Rusconi, Gianfranco, Stakeholder theory(-ies) and Economy of Communion: common features and specificities, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS GOVERNANCE AND ETHICS», 2024, 1, pp. 1 - 30 [articolo]
Baldarelli, Maria-Gabriella, Accountability and Stakeholder Engagement: Politics and Accounting in Dialogue to Improve Democracy, in: Populism and Accountability. Interdisciplinary Researches on Active Citizenship, Cham, Springer, 2023, pp. 55 - 71 (CSR, SUSTAINABILITY, ETHICS & GOVERNANCE) [capitolo di libro]Open Access
Baldarelli, Maria-Gabriella, Environmental Accounting, in: Idowu, S., Schmidpeter, R., Capaldi, N., Zu, L., Del Baldo, M., Abreu, R., Encyclopedia of Sustainable Management, Cham, Springer, 2023, pp. 1 - 3 [voce di enciclopedia/dizionario]
Baldarelli, Maria-Gabriella; Cosentino, Antonietta; Baldo, Mara Del; Magistro, Angela, Feminist Economics and Feminist Accounting in Dialogue: The Contribution to World Inequalities and Ecological Emergencies, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT», 2023, 18, Article number: 49549, pp. 202 - 221 [articolo]Open Access