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Lorenzo Vianelli

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: GEOG-01/B Economic and Political Geography

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La richiesta di svolgere la tesi triennale in Geografia va inviata almeno quattro mesi prima della data di consegna del lavoro finale (ossia la data del possesso dei requisiti di ammissione), inviando via email un breve progetto di tesi contenente le seguenti informazioni: Nome e cognome del/la ...

EXBO research project (Extractive Borders: Profiting from Migrants’ Forced Im/Mobility)

EXBO investigates accumulation processes enabled by border practices that seek to govern migrants through immobilisation as well as forced mobility. It aims to understand the extent to which border management has increasingly become a new terrain for extractive processes and how the governance of migration ...

CONDISOBS research project (Contain, Distribute, Obstruct. Governing the Mobility of Asylum Seekers in the European Union)

In the aftermath of the 'refugee crisis' of 2015, the European Union and its Member States intensified their efforts to control the mobility of incoming migrants. This resulted in the introduction of the 'hotspot approach', the implementation of relocation schemes and the reintroduction of border controls ...