Foto del docente

Laura Sartori

Full Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: GSPS-05/A General Sociology

Short Bio

Her research looks at the social and political implications of technology - from ICTs to Artificial Intelligence (AI) - and focuses on inequality and innovation.

Currently, the main research topics focus on: Artificial Intelligence, Algorithmic management, Platform economy, Lifestyles and consumption.

Ongoing projects:

-PRIN2022: New forms of Urban Economy (NUE): Innovative urban consumption lifestyles and entreprenerial start-ups in the green and digital transitions

-PNRR - PE1 (Intelligenza Artificiale): Future Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR). "How do doctors perceive and use AI systems in their daily clinical practice?"

-HORIZON EUROPE: AEQUITAS. Algorithmic discrimination targeting gender, LBGTQI+ and racial bias. Three case studies in AI: 1. recruiting and HR, 2. medical imaging e 3. school dropouts

In the past, she has worked on money (complementary, alternative and virtual currencies) and natural disasters.

Role on the Editorial board of the international journal "Sociology"

Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 051 20 9 2729

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali
Via dei Bersagleri 6, Bologna - Go to map

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Office hours

Il ricevimento si terrà sempre su appuntamento il mercoledi pomeriggio. Si prega di scrivere una mail di prenotazione, indicando il motivo della richiesta.

Prima di scrivere, controllate tutte le informazioni disponibili sulle relative pagine web dei singoli corsi.

La dott.ssa Marianna Musmeci ( è la tutor per il corso di Società ed economia (SVIC), a.a. 24-25. 



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