Foto del docente

Giulio Fella

Full Professor

Department of Economics

Academic discipline: ECON-01/A Economics

Short Bio

Professor of Economics in Bologna since 2022, he holds a Ph.D. from the London School of Economics. His research interests are: Macroeconomics, Labour Economics, Public Economics, Wealth Distribution, Savings and Numerical Methods. He has published in international journals such as ReStud, JEEA, IER, JME, JPubE among others. His research has been supported by Netspar, NORFACE and the Nuffield Foundation. He is a research fellow of the CEPR, CfM and IFS.

Personal Website


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Other contacts


Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche
Piazza Scaravilli 2, Bologna - Go to map

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Office hours

Room 344, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Piazza Scaravilli 2.

Wednesdays 11-12 or by email appointment

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