Foto del docente

Giulia Spaletta

Professoressa associata confermata

Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche "Paolo Fortunati"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: MATH-05/A Analisi numerica



This is a note for students who took the exam of Numerical Analysis (NA, 6 cfu, code 37261, STATS & MATHS curriculum, first cycle degree programme in Statistical Sciences) in an exam session (lets call it "session S").

Your result will appear in ALMAESAMI: it is for you to know your NA mark in session S; do not confuse it with the final registration of Numerical Analysis I.C. (12 cfu, code 37278), before which you must pass Computational Statistics (CS, 6 cfu, code 79192). Obviously, if you are only enrolled in NA (6 cfu) then the result in ALMAESAMI is your final mark, and I-II-III below apply.

Depending on the numerosity of students in session S, I might set a communal day/time/place for the exam correction: in this case, I will write a communication (in my NEWS page) within 1 week from the result publication. Therefore, you must wait and keep my NEWS site monitored for any possible notice: do not send me emails, requesting to see your paper, before 1 week from the result publication.

(I) Students of session S and whose result is less than 18. You are strongly invited to attend the exam correction; if I do not set a communal correction date and if you wish to see your exam paper, send me an email within 2 weeks from the result publication.

(II) Students of session S and whose result is in between 18 and 26. You are invited to attend the exam correction; if I do not set a communal correction date and if you wish to see your exam paper, send me an email within 2 weeks from the result publication. If I do not hear from you (in particular, if I do not receive a vote-refusal email from you --- use your UniBo account) within the next NA session S+1, then I will keep your session S result as accepted. The result from session S overwrites results from previous sessions (I will keep your last mark, not the best one).

(III) Students of session S and whose result is higher than 26. You are free to attend the exam correction; if I do not set a communal correction date and if you wish to see your exam paper, send me an email within 2 weeks from the result publication. In your case, there is no need to send me a vote-acceptance email: I will keep your NA (6 cfu) result valid until you pass CS; your NA result is already very good and you are advised to concentrate on preparing CS very well. (If you are only enrolled in NA, 6 cfu, then I will register your mark).

(IV) Students with an accepted mark from any NA exam session previous or equal to S. I will keep your NA (6 cfu) result valid until you pass CS. Then, I will compute the average of NA and CS results and register it as the overall Numerical Analysis I.C. (12 cfu) result. As said before, do not confuse the result that I publish in the NA (6 cfu) list, in ALMAESAMI, with the final Numerical Analysis I.C. (12 cfu) result.

Communications related to CS must be done with Prof. Ranciati (not me). Prof. Ranciati will tell me the names of those students who passed CS; until his communication, I cannot answer questions on the overall result and I cannot register any mark.

For any problem with ALMAESAMI, please refer to the STATS&MATHS Tutor (

I will not answer emails related to the above. I might also leave unanswered emails/questions whose answer is already in this NEWS or VIRTUALE or ALMAESAMI, or in the NA Syllabus/Course Web Site, or that should be addressed to the STATS&MATHS Course Tutor.

When you send me an email,  state your name, surname and the course you are enrolled in (and send emails from your UniBo account, otherwise they could be classified as spam).

Pubblicato il: 08 settembre 2023