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Giulia Evolvi

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: GSPS-06/A Sociology of Cultural and Communication Processes


Elwert, Frederik; Evolvi, Giulia; Neumaier, Anna; de Wildt, Kim, : Emoji and Religion in the Twitter Discourses on the Notre Dame Cathedral Fire, «JOURNAL OF RELIGION, MEDIA AND DIGITAL CULTURE», 2023, 11, pp. 198 - 226 [Scientific article]Open Access

Giulia Evolvi, The World Congress of Families: Anti-Gender Christianity and Digital Far-Right Populism, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION», 2023, 17, pp. 2805 - 2822 [Scientific article]Open Access

Dickel, Valerie; Evolvi, Giulia, “Victims of feminism”: exploring networked misogyny and #MeToo in the manosphere, «FEMINIST MEDIA STUDIES», 2023, 23, pp. 1392 - 1408 [Scientific article]

Evolvi, Giulia; Giorda, Maria Chiara, Introduction: Islam, Space, and the Internet, «JOURNAL OF RELIGION, MEDIA AND DIGITAL CULTURE», 2021, 10, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]

Mahmudova, Lale; Evolvi, Giulia, Likes, Comments, and Follow Requests: The Instagram User Experiences of Young Muslim Women in the Netherlands, «JOURNAL OF RELIGION, MEDIA AND DIGITAL CULTURE», 2021, 10, pp. 50 - 70 [Scientific article]

Evolvi, Giulia, Religion and the internet: digital religion, (hyper)mediated spaces, and materiality, «ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR RELIGION, GESELLSCHAFT UND POLITIK», 2021, 6, pp. 9 - 25 [Scientific article]

Hutchings, Tim; Asamoah-Gyadu, Kwabena; Evolvi, Giulia; Han, Sam, Global Perspectives on Religion, Media and Public Scholarship, «JOURNAL OF RELIGION, MEDIA AND DIGITAL CULTURE», 2020, 9, pp. 148 - 164 [Scientific article]

Giulia Evolvi, Materiality, Authority, and Digital Religion: The Case of a Neo-Pagan Forum, «ENTANGLED RELIGIONS», 2020, 11, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article]Open Access

Campbell, Heidi A.; Evolvi, Giulia, Contextualizing current digital religion research on emerging technologies, «HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES», 2019, 2, pp. 5 - 17 [Scientific article]

Giulia Evolvi, Emotional Politics, Islamophobic Tweet. The Hashtags #Brexit and #chiudiamoiporti, «PARTECIPAZIONE E CONFLITTO», 2019, 12, pp. 879 - 897 [Scientific article]

Evolvi, Giulia, The veil and its materiality: Muslim women’s digital narratives about the burkini ban, «JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RELIGION», 2019, 34, pp. 469 - 487 [Scientific article]

Giulia Evolvi, Blogging My Religion: Secular, Muslim, and Catholic Media Spaces in Europe, New York, Routledge, 2018, pp. 250 . [Research monograph]

Evolvi, Giulia, Hate in a Tweet: Exploring Internet-Based Islamophobic Discourses, «RELIGIONS», 2018, 9, Article number: 307 , pp. 1 - 22 [Scientific article]

Evolvi, Giulia, Hybrid Muslim identities in digital space: The Italian blog Yalla, «SOCIAL COMPASS», 2017, 64, pp. 220 - 232 [Scientific article]

Evolvi, Giulia, #Islamexit: inter-group antagonism on Twitter, «INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION & SOCIETY», 2017, 22, pp. 386 - 401 [Scientific article]

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