Foto del docente

Giovanni Emanuele Corazza

Full Professor

Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi"

Academic discipline: IINF-03/A Telecommunications


Keywords: Creativity studies 5G Networks and Social Impact GNSS Positioning and Navigation Wireless and satellite communications Information theory

The Dynamic Definition of Creativity

Given the central role of creativity in the future post-information society, a call for a pragmatist approach to the study of creativity is advocated, that brings as a consequence the recognition of the dynamic nature of this phenomenon. At the foundation of the proposed new theoretical framework lies the definition of creativity itself, which is turned from static to dynamic through the introduction of the concept of potential originality and effectiveness. Starting from this central definition, and through the introduction of the auxiliary definitions for focus area, creativity goal, creative agent, creative potential of an agent, creative potential of an environment, creative process, product of a creative process, creativity potential of a process, representation of the product of a creative process, and estimator, we arrive at the definitions of creative achievement and creative inconclusiveness. Although both aspects are key in the creative process, creative inconclusiveness was not part of previous definitions, but it is argued that its role is fundamental for effective education in creativity. The new definitions can be shown to have full backward compatibility with the extant corpus of scientific research in creativity, as well as forward effectiveness in suggesting novel investigation approaches to support the consideration of new theoretical hypotheses.

Galileo Receivers

The scope of this research line is the development and the prototyping of a mass market receiver for Galileo. The main challenge of the project is to combine cutting-edge performance with moderate/low complexity in order to be compatible with the constraints typical of mass market devices. As for all positioning systems, the synchronization of the user terminal with the received signal is of primary importance. This task is especially challenging for Galileo, which is a spread spectrum system and employ a particular modulation, referred to as BOC modulation, to enhance the compatibility with other positioning systems like GPS. A second objective is the design and performance evaluation of efficient countermeasures to face the effects of interferences impacting the Galileo system, encompassing interference isolation, detection, and mitigation. These techniques are designed to assist the Galileo operation, and foresee to design and implement the GIMS (Galileo Interference Management System) local component that centralizes isolation and detection functions and delivers the resulting information to the terminals, enabling effective mitigation techniques.

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