Foto del docente

Gianluca Aguzzi

Adjunct professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Research fellow

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Teaching tutor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Short Bio

Postdoctoral researcher working on topics ranging from multi-agent learning to distributed algorithms and engineering methodologies, with the goal of finding a systematic procedure to synthesize and deploy self-organizing behaviors with predictable outcomes for adaptive collective systems.
Gianluca is also keenly interested in contemporary software development practices, particularly those where artificial intelligence plays a pivotal role, such as in Large Language Models (LLMs) and program synthesis.

Gianluca is also part of the development team of ScaFi, a reference framework for aggregate programming in Scala.

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Dipartimento di Informatica - Scienza e Ingegneria
Via dell'Università 50, Cesena - Go to map

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