Foto del docente

Francesca Sofia

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà

Settore scientifico disciplinare: HIST-02/A Storia moderna

Curriculum vitae

Tenured academic positions

(October 2019-present) Professor, Early Modern History, University of Bologna

(October 2002-October 2019) Professor, History of Political Institutions, University of Bologna

(October 1992- September 2002) Associate Professor, History of Political Institutions, University of Bologna

(July 1983-September 1992) Researcher in Legal History at the Special School for Archivists and Librarians of the University La Sapienza of Rome

Non-Tenured positions

1993-1997 Adjunct Professor of Legal History at the Istituto Speriore di Polizia in Rome

1987-1992 Adjunct Lecturer of History of Political Institutions at the LUISS in Rome


B.A. (Hons), History & Literature, 110/110 cum laude, University La Sapienza of Rome (1980)

Academic teaching at universities of Bologna, La Sapienza of Rome, LUISS

‘History of Political Institutions’, ‘History of Judaism’, ‘Legal History’, ‘History of European Political Institutions’, ‘History of Early Modern Justice’, ‘Political Economy’, ‘History of Women’, ‘History of Family Law’

Short Visiting Appointments

Jan.-Mar. 2017 University Denis Diderot – Paris 7, UFR Histoire, géographie

Sept. 2002 Centre Walras-Pareto – University of Lausanne

Leadership and participation in research projects, track-record of securing research funding, grants, and exhibitions

2015-2017 Associated Investigator, project La Correspondance de Mme de Staël (1812-1817), founded by the Societé des études staëliens in Paris et l’Institut Benjamin Constant in Lausanne

2008-2010 Principal Investigator, project Sismondi e la Nuova Italia, founded by Emarika Foundation, Vevey, CH

2004-2008 Principal Investigator, project I regesti della corrispondenza di Sismondi, founded by the Italian Ministry of Cultural and Environmental Heritage, Central Office of Archives Heritage.

2003-2006 Associated Investigator, project Nazione e genere nel lungo Ottocento italiano, founded by the competitive funding PRIN-National Public Interest Research Programmes, Italian Ministry of the University and Scientific Research

1998-2000 Principal Investigator, project Sismondi e la civiltà toscana, founded by Emarika Foundation, Vevey, CH

1996-1998 Associated Investigator, project Bibliography of Official Italian Statistics (1861-1992), founded by the Italian CNR and managed at the national HQ by Paolo Garonna (Istat)

1996-1999 Principal Investigator, project Gli archivi di Santa Maria della Pietà: tra storia della medicina e storia delle istituzioni, founded by the Italian CNR

1991-1996 Principal Investigator, project Normativa e archivi degli enti pubblici italiani 1861-1978, commissioned at Ciriec (Centre of Research and Information on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy) by the Ministry for the Cultural and Environmental Heritage – Central Office for Archival Heritage

1989-1992 Associated Investigator, project Statuti e usi civici del Lazio (Statutes and “usi civici” of Latium), founded by the Italian CNR;

1990-1991 Associated Investigator, project Bibliografia informatizzata sulle Partecipazioni Statali e Biblioteca elettronica sulle Partecipazioni Statali-BEPS, founded by Italian IRI (Institute for the Industrial Reconstruction) Study Centre

1987-1991 Associated Investigator, project Enti pubblici e organismi affini, founded by the Italian CNR

Direction of scientific institutions

2020-today Member of the Board of the Fondazione Museo ebraico (Foundation Jewish Museum) of Bologna

2018-today Director of the Centro studi Paolo Prodi per la storia costituzionale (Study Centre Paolo Prodi for Constitutional History) at the University of Bologna

2007-today Scientific Director of Associazione di studi sismondiani (Association for Sismondi Studies), Pescia

2014-2016 Member of the scientific committee of Museo nazionale dell’ebraismo italiano e della Shoah- MEIS (National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah) of Ferrara

2004-2007 President of Associazione di studi sismondiani (Association for Sismondi Studies), Pescia

2005-2007 Member of the scientific committee of Comitato nazionale per il bicentenario del primo Regno d’Italia (National Committee for the Bicentenary of the first Kingdom of Italy), established by the Italian Ministry of Cultural and Environmental Heritage

University and department service at University of Bologna

2021-today Director of the Department of History and Civilizations

2015-2021 Member of the Academic Senate

2012-today Responsible of the double-degree in History and Comparative Civilizations between the University of Bologna and University of Paris (formerly Denis Diderot- Paris 7)

2015-2018 Director of the Department of History and Civilizations

2012-2015 President of the Didactic Commission of the Department of History and Civilizations

2008-2011 President of the Master’s Degree in Historical Sciences

2007-2008 President of the Master’s Degree in History of Europe

2004-2007 President of the Degree in History

Ph.D. advising

2016-today Member of the Steering committee, Ph. D., Jewish Studies

2017-2020 Primary advisor of Stefano Nicola Sinicropi, L’esilio tedesco a Ferramonti di Tarsia. Storie di ebrei in fuga dalla Germania (co-tutor Philippe Portier, EPHESS)

1999-2014 Member of the Steering committee, Ph. D., History of Europe

2009-2012 Primary advisor of Lorenzo Cuccoli, Le armi dotte tra Francia e Italia (1796-1814) (co-tutor Bernard Gainot, University Paris 1 Sorbonne)

2011-2014 Primary advisor of Fausto Pietrancosta, “Tra centro e periferia”.Istituzioni e processi di industrializzazione nella Sicilia del secondo dopoguerra

1997-1999 Member of the Steering Committee, Ph.D., History of Family and Gender Identity, University of Naples

Search and promotion committees

Member in Search and Internal tenured promotion committees at the University of Bologna, Verona, Macerata, Teramo, Milan, Naples and Paris (Sciences-Po)

Service to the profession

1998-today Member of the editorial board, Società e storia

2004-today Member of the editorial board, Mondo contemporaneo. Rivista di storia

2008-today Member of the editorial board, Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History

2015-today Director of the editorial series Mnemosyne, Aracne, Rome

2015-today Member of the scientific committee of the editorial series Quaderni di storia, Le Monnier, Florence

2016-today Director of the open access journal Annali Sismondi / Sismondi Annals

2017-today Director of the editorial series Nuova Sismondiana, Pisa University Press

2020-today Member of the scientific committee of the editorial series Studi sul Settecento, Bononia University Press

Membership in societies and research groups

2018-today Accademia delle scienze dell’Istituto di Bologna

2012-2018 Italian Association for the History of Political Institutions

2010-today Société des études staëliens, Paris

1993-today Italian Society for the Study of the History of Institutions