Foto del docente

Francesca Cenerini

Full Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: STAN-01/B Roman History

Coordinator of PhD Programme in History, Cultures and Civilizations

Direttrice dell’Istituto di Studi Avanzati

Short Bio

Francesca Cenerini’s field of study is Ancient History. Her research interests are specifically addressed to the representation of the female condition in Ancient Rome by use and analysis of epigraphic documentation. Her research work has produced about 114 articles published in scientific journals and in journals targeted for the dissemination of scientific knowledge (see for instance a monographic issue of Forma Urbis, Archeo and Archeologia Viva), 115 articles published in miscellaneous volumes and conference proceedings, 37 reviews, 7 edited conference proceedings and three monographs: The Roman Woman. Patterns and Reality, Il Mulino, Bologna 2002, second extended edition 2009; Divae and Women. Wives, Mothers, Daughters and Sisters of the Roman Emperors from Augustus to Commodus, Angelini Editore, Imola 2009; Messalina. Story and Legend of a dangerous Woman, Editori Laterza, Bari-Roma 2024; author of The figure of the father in Rome between law and society: some epigraphic examples in L. Capogrossi Colognesi, F. Cenerini, F. Lamberti, M. Lentano, G. Rizzelli, B. Santorelli, Anatomies of fatherhood. Fathers and family in Roman culture, Lecce 2019.


Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 051 20 9 8871

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Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà
Via Zamboni 38, Bologna - Go to map

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