Research fellow at the University of Bologna since 2023, she carries out her research in the field of landscape archaeology and ancient topography, with a particular focus toward population dynamics and exploitation of mountain areas.
She is also a PhD candidate in Cultural Heritage Science at the University of Salento since 2023.
Postgraduate degree received in 2023 from the School of Specialization in Archaeological Heritage of the University of Bologna with a thesis in Landscape Archaeology entitled "Fortified Sites between the Bronze Age and the Classical Age. Preliminary approaches to upland archaeology in Epirus" (supervisor Prof. E. Giorgi)
Master's degree received in 2020 from the University of Bologna with a thesis in Archaeology of the Ancient City entitled "Population dynamics and urban genesis in Epirus of the Archaic Age. The case of Butrint" (supervisor prof. E. Giorgi, co-advisors prof. V. Baldoni, prof. G. Lepore)
Bachelor's degree received in 2018 from the University of Bologna with a thesis in Archaeology and History of Greek Art entitled "The Doric style in the Archaic age in Epirus: the case of the temple of Athena Polias in Butrint" (supervisor prof. G. Lepore, co-relator prof. E. Giorgi)
Scientific activities
She has took part in numerous archaeological missions in Italy and abroad, is currently a member of the Italian-Albanian Archaeological Mission in Butrint (Albania) for which she coordinates field research, topographic survey and third mission activities (
Part of the organizing committee for the events of "Butrinto Cento"; of the lecture series "The Land of Eagles. The Discovery of the Ancient Civilizations of Albania" (Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna, 2023); of the international workshop "Epirus in the Roman world and New research on the Acropolis of Butrint" (University of Bologna, 2022); of the webinar series "Italian-Albanian Archaeological Research: Research, Conservation and Sustainable Development" (2021)
Membership in scientific and editorial boards
Since 2023 she has been part of the editorial board of "Cardini by Groma," a monographic series of the journal Groma. Documenting Archaeology ( and is part of the organizational secretariat of the Center for the Study of the Archaeology of the Adriatic (
Awards and honors
Recipient of a research mobility grant under the "Marco Polo" program of the Department of History, Cultures, and Civilizations – University of Bologna, for a three-month research stay at the Groningen Institute of Archaeology – University of Groningen (2025).
Recipient of the prize for the most outstanding thesis at the School of Specialisation in Archaeological Heritage of the University of Bologna (2023). She was subsequently awarded funding for the publication of the thesis in the volume Paesaggi d'Epiro. Studies of Landscape Archaeology in Southern Albania, Bologna: Bologna University Press, 2024.
Recipient of a scholarship for participation in the activities of the Interreg ADRION project "TRANSFER. Integrated management models for archaeological parks" (2022).