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Fabrizio Giulietti

Full Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-01/C Flight Mechanics

Short Bio

Fabrizio Giulietti is a Professor in Flight Mechanics at the University of Bologna. His research interests are mainly related to the following topics: 1) modelling, simulation and control system design of atmospheric and space vehicles, 2) preliminary sizing and performance analysis of electrically powered Unmanned Aerial Systems, and 3) Attitude control of space vehicles. Since 2006 he is the coordinator of the Flight Mechanics Laboratory. He co-authored more than 70 scientific papers and he was involved several national and international collaborative project related on civil applications of remotely piloted aircraft.

Since October 1st 2018 he is the Director of Second Cycle Degree of Aerospace Engineering.

Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 0543 374 424

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+39 0543 783245

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
Viale Risorgimento 2, Bologna - Go to map

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Giovedì 11-13 / Thursday 11 am -1 pm

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