Foto del docente

Fabrizio Cavani

Full Professor

Department of Industrial Chemistry "Toso Montanari"

Academic discipline: CHEM-04/A Industrial Chemistry

Coordinator of PhD Programme in INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY


Recent dissertations supervised by the teacher.

Second cycle degree programmes dissertations

  • Allyl Alcohol oxidation to Acrolein through heterogeneous catalysis
  • Bifunctional catalysts for the aldol condensation of furfural with acetone in liquid phase
  • Characterization and Valorization of the Solid Char Residue from the Pyrolysis of End-of-Waste Plastic from LYB MoReTec Technology
  • Development of zirconium-based catalysts for ethanol upgrading to jet fuel blends precursors
  • experimental study and model of kinetics and equilibrium reaction of the heterogeneously catalyzed synthesis of poly(oxymethylene)dibutyl ether
  • Heterogeneous catalysts for Allyl alcohol oxidation to acrolein
  • Methyl levulinate gas-phase continuous-flow reduction toward y-valerolactone and C5 esters
  • Packaging protettivo a base di poliuretano espanso, sintetizzato da co-monomeri bio-based
  • Studio di nuovi sistemi catalitici per reazioni di idrogenazione industriali

PhD programmes thesis

  • Organic carbonates as alternative reactants for the production of fine chemicals and bio-based monomers

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