Foto del docente

Fabio Carlo Antonio Ambrosio

Adjunct professor

Department of the Arts

Short Bio

After a long training in classical Catholic theology and Turkish studies, Alberto Fabio Ambrosio established himself as a renowned scholar in his original fields of investigation, Sufism and Ottoman and Turkish Islam. He also spent over ten years in Istanbul, where he took part in projects aimed at interreligious dialogue. Since 2017, he teaches at the Luxembourg School of Religion & Society and is leading research seminars at the Collège des Bernardins in Paris. Alberto Fabio Ambrosio has already written several contributions and essays on the Fashion, Ethic,s and Religions: Per una morale contemooranea. Critica della moda pura (Mimesi, 2024), Il Vangelo delle vanità. Moda e Spirito (Politi Seganfreddo Edizioni, 2023), Moda e Religioni. Vestire il sacro, sacralizzare il look, (Bruno Mondadori, 2022), Dio tre volte sarto. Moda e teologia (Mimesis Editore, 2020).

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