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Fabian Lothar Walter Reiter

Associate Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: FICP-01/C Papyrology


Keywords: editions, documentary and literary papyri, ostraca, administration, Egypt, taxation, economy, social life

His main research interests concern the administrative, socio-economic and cultural history of Egypt in the Greco-Roman and Byzantine periods. His work is in particular focused on the reconstruction of the system of taxes and monopolies in Roman times. Furthermore, he is a passionate editor of literary, semi-literary and documentary papyri and ostraca which are of crucial importance for the study of the social history of Greco-Roman Egypt and the Ancient world in general. He is also interested in ancient lexicography, a discipline which profits a great deal from papyrological documents.

Currently he is working on two ambitious editorial projects: a volume of Byzantine papyri housed in the Berlin collection, and an edition of a major group of Ptolemaic and Roman ostraca which came to light during the recent French-Italian excavations in the ancient Egyptian village of Tebtynis.

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