Foto del docente

Enrico Pitozzi

Associate Professor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: PEMM-01/A Performing Arts

Director of Second Cycle Degree in Music and Theatre Studies

Curriculum vitae

Enrico Pitozzi is associate professor at the University of Bologna. He has taught at the universities of Venice (IUAV) and Padua; he has been a visiting professor at the universities of Paris, Montréal, Valencia and Frankfurt. He is a director of master degree IKONA. Produzione, curatela digitale e valorizzazione del patrimonio audiovisivo dello spettacolo dal vivo. He directs, with Ermanna Montanari, the «Malagola» international vocal center founded in Ravenna (UBU special prize 2022 - Italy's most important theatre award). He is a member of the Scientific Committee for performing arts of the Emilia-Romagna Region (LR13/99 art. 6 - Regional Council of 12/07/2021, DGR n. 1118/2021).

He is a member of several international research projects, such as the «MeLa research lab» of the IUAV University of Venice; the project « Extended Reality Research and Creative Center XR²C²» at the Université Côte d’Azur de Nice (France) and the «Sensory Studies» of Concordia University (Canada).

He is a member of the scientific committee of the editorial series «corpi» at the publisher Quodlibet, and of the journals «L'annuaire Theatral» (Canada), «Map D2 Journal - Map and Program of Arts in Digital Dance and Performance» and «Moringa» (Brazil). He has presented lectures and seminars at universities in several countries, including France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Switzerland, Canada, Iran and Brazil. He animated the internal seminar at the 37th Venice Theatre Biennale 2005 directed by Romeo Castellucci. In May 2013 she participated - as a teacher - in the project Biennale danza College of the Biennale di Venezia, Dance Sector, directed by Virgilio Sieni, with whom she also collaborates for the Biennale Danza 2014.

Among his recent publications: Magnetica. La composizione coreografica di Cindy Van Acker | La composition chorégraphique de Cindy Van Acker | The choreographic composition of Cindy Van Acker, Macerata, Quodlibet, 2015. Bodysoundscape. Perception, movement and audiovisual developments in contemporary dance, in Yael Kaduri, The Oxford Handbook of Sound and Image in Western Art, Oxford University Press, 2016 ; Acusma. Figura e voce nel teatro sonoro di Ermanna Montanari, Macerata, Quodlibet, 2017 with I. Choinière and A. Davidson, Through the Prism of the Senses. Mediation and New Realities of the Body in Contemporary Performance. Technology, Cognition and Emergent Research-Creation Methodologies, Bristol, Intellect Books, 2019 and with Ermanna Montanari, Cellula. Anatomia dello spazio scenico | Anatomy of the scenic space, Macerata, Quodlibet, 2021.


NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC QUALIFICATION for Full Professor obtained on 31/05/2021