Foto del docente

Enrica Santolini

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-04/C Rural Buildings and Agro-Forest Land Planning

Short Bio

I graduated in environmental and territorial engineering at the University of Bologna, both three-year and master's degree with grades 100/110 in 2012 and 110 and L in 2015.I spent a period abroad for my master's thesis at the 'Earth and Life institute based in Belgium. I obtained a PhD in Agricultural Engineering, at the School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, in 2019 where I carried out a project for the development of ventilation strategies in agro-industrial buildings with the application of the CFD approach. During this research journey, I spent a period at Aarhus University, Denmark. In 2024, I obtained a second doctorate in the "Health, Safety and Green Systems" Doctoral Program at the Imola branch of the University of Bologna. The focus of this doctoral work was on modeling approaches, simulations and monitoring systems for greater sustainability of the animal and plant production sector. From September 2023, I'm Junior assistant professor at DISTAL department, UniBO


Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 051 20 9 6168

Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari
Viale Fanin 50, Bologna - Go to map

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